Regency Government Asks Livestock Traders In Pasuruan To Avoid Taking Cows From PMK Alert Areas

JATIM - The Pasuruan Regency Government asked livestock traders not to take cattle from the mouth and nail disease (PMK) outbreak area as an effort to suppress the spread of the epidemic.

Deputy Regent of Pasuruan Abdul Mujib Imron said one of the causes of the outbreak of the PMK outbreak was, among other things, the livestock traffic which could not be controlled.

"In a sense, officers still find a lot of belantik (cow sellers) who buy or sell livestock from and out of the outbreak area. For that, we ask the cattle dealers to refrain from taking cattle from the outbreak area," he said in Pasuruan, quoted from Antara, East Java (Jatim), Monday 6 June.

Abdul said it is better to prioritize livestock safety first. "Many cattle are infected with FMD because the cattle traffic has not been fully controlled. Even though the transmission is very fast, especially taking cattle from the outbreak area," he added.

He said the number of cows in Pasuruan Regency that had tested positive for PMK had reached more than 1,133 heads with 12 of them dead.

Abdul added that thousands of cows infected with PMK have now extended to 12 sub-districts, namely Gondangwetan, Kejayan, Lekok, Lumbang, Nguling, Pandaan, Prigen, Purwodadi, Purwosari, Sukorejo, Tutur, and Winongan.

The Pasuruan Regency Government continues to coordinate with the East Java Provincial Government to the central government to handle this problem. This includes the synergy between the Pasuruan Regency Government through the Pasuruan Regency Livestock and Animal Health Service and the TNI, Polri, Forpimda to community and religious leaders.

"We continue to make efforts. Following directions from the ministers and governors on how to handle PMK so that it does not expand. However, efforts must also be made by the community, especially owners, breeders and cattle breeders," he said.

He detailed that of the 12 dead cows, 10 of them belonged to residents of the Lumbang sub-district and two cows in the Purwosari sub-district. The death of the cow due to delay in handling since the cow was known to be sick.

"If you see signs of a cow infected with FMD, you can also report it to the animal health officer and the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Service post so that they can deal with it quickly. If the cow has collapsed and can't stand up, there is a lot of foam coming out of her mouth, her nails are also festering. death," he said.