General Andika: The Role Of The TNI Is Only To Accelerate The Distribution Of Cooking Oil Aid

JAKARTA - General Andika Perkasa said the TNI would play a role in accelerating the distribution of cooking oil assistance from the Government to people in need.

"We are distributing government aid, meaning that it is faster. It is only to speed up the distribution, nothing more," said TNI Commander General Andika after attending a Working Meeting (Raker) at Commission I DPR RI, Jakarta, Monday 6 Monday quoted from Between.

Andika said this was in response to criticism from a number of parties regarding the role of the TNI in the process of distributing cooking oil aid from the Government to people in need.

He explained that the TNI received orders from the Government to distribute cooking oil assistance to street vendors, stalls, and people who were entitled to receive the aid.

He said the distribution of aid was carried out in 257 regencies and cities, where until now almost 100 percent of the distribution of aid has been carried out.

"As for the distribution from the government, there are no obstacles, in fact we have implemented almost 100 percent," he added.

The distribution of cooking oil aid carried out by the TNI in 257 regencies and cities constitutes half of the total number of regencies and cities throughout Indonesia.

"As many as 257 regencies, cities are half of the total number of regencies and cities in Indonesia, because the other half (distribution) is held by the National Police," he said.