Hit By Extreme Drought, This Mexican City Limits Water Access To Only Six Hours A Day
JAKARTA - Mexico City in the border state of Nuevo Leon is limiting daily water access to residents for only six hours in response to the historic drought in the region, authorities said Friday, June 3.
The city of Monterrey, a major business center whose metropolitan area is home to 5.3 million residents, will allow water use from 4 a.m. to 10 a.m. daily.
The previous policy limited water to one day per week based on location. The move is the latest by authorities to tackle water shortages in the region.
Current demand exceeds supply by about 2.5 cubic meters per second, the city's water director, Juan Ignacio Barragan, was quoted as saying by ANTARA.
The state of Nuevo Leon, which has seen temperatures rise above 40 degrees Celsius, entered a state of "extreme drought" in February.
The area has experienced lower-than-expected rainfall since 2015, Barragan said.