5 Things Couples Should Pay Attention To If You Want To Undergo IVF Program

YOGYAKARTA – The desire for the birth of a baby needs to be agreed and planned by every young couple. But if the plan does not match the reality, it is necessary for you and your partner to consider alternatives to have a baby, namely by IVF or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

According to the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), there has been a decline in the fertility rate in Indonesia from 2.6 (in 2002-2012) to 2.4 (in 2017) in the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) report. In response to these problems, IVF technology is an alternative. But if you and your partner are considering the IVF program, pay attention to the following things.

1. The amount of commitment

The IVF program requires a commitment from every couple who goes through it. In a collaborative campaign entitled “As Warm of Mother's Hope” which was held on Thursday, June 2, it was stated that there are many alternatives that can be done to make pregnancy possible. Commitment for the couple is important to have a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthier baby.

Press Conference collaborative campaign “Sewarm Hope Ibu” (Source: Doc. special)
2. Fertility factor

Many factors affect fertility both from the husband and wife side. The chances of pregnancy in married couples are influenced by these factors. According to doctor Azhar Nurbahri, MD. as General Manager of Medical Business & Operations at Morula Indonesia, the IVF program is currently the main alternative for having children.

In addition to the latest technology, pay attention to fertility factors with a thorough examination of every couple considering IVF.

3. Have enough self-confidence

For married couples who do not have children and who have infertility challenges in order to experience the same opportunities as parents, it is necessary to build enough self-confidence so that they are calmer in maintaining health, said Hamdan Dahlan as Commercial Director of PT. Indonesian Borden Eagle.

4. Get reliable education and information

Education is needed for couples who long for children. Couples need to get reliable information about pregnancy, growth and development of babies and children, to parenting topics. Information in this digital era can be obtained from trusted channels, said Suci Arumsari, Co-Founder & President Director of Alodokter.

5. Pay attention to health conditions

The first step in planning an IVF program, a married couple must be in good health by undergoing a fertility test. Fertility tests usually include checking sperm quality, quality of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes, and lifestyle consultations that support pregnancy.

For those of you and your partner who are planning to undergo IVF, consider the above.