NASA Now Officially Joins The Scientific UFO Hunt

JAKARTA – The existence of UFOs and possibly aliens is now considered part of scientific research. NASA has reportedly confirmed it will officially join the UFO hunt following a UAP Congressional hearing earlier this month.

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and official sightings were recently discussed at the general assembly of the US Congress on May 17. NASA previously said it was "not actively searching" or researching STEAM.

After the first public congressional hearing on the topic in 54 years, the US space agency has reportedly changed its mind.

According to, a source at NASA said it was now assisting the UFO investigation in the US.

A NASA spokesperson reportedly said the agency was "evaluating how to provide its expertise in space-based Earth observations to improve understanding of STEAM."

The source added that NASA "has consulted with several government entities".

However, they reportedly denied that NASA would set up its own STEAM office and would instead only assist with other investigations.

The U.S. government now has a new law that grants permission for the government's STEAM task force.

According to, a source affiliated with the US government and familiar with NASA's STEAM research said that the US space agency was able to gather evidence from astronauts.

The source reportedly said: “I suspect it will be a combination of efforts that might include direct eyewitness testimony from NASA employees and astronauts, and then possibly a review of old archival footage to assess whether there are some findings in the NASA archives that could help the AOIMSG.”

AOIMSG stands for Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, which is the official name of the UFO task force.

A congressional hearing earlier this month made some surprising UFO revelations. Some experts prefer the term UAP because they consider UFOs to come with a stigma and are taken less seriously.

UFO videos were shown to members of Congress as part of the trial. One video shows a fast-moving spherical object and one shows what looks like a perfect triangular shape glowing green in the sky. Experts themselves have no explanation for these objects or the way they move.