Ministry Of Home Affairs Asked To Publish Technical Rules To End Polemics For The Inauguration Of Acting Regional Heads

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) was asked to end the polemic on the inauguration of the regional head by making technical rules for the election. This is the impact of the refusal of several governors to inaugurate the acting regent proposed by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Executive Director of the Monitoring Committee for the Implementation of Regional Autonomy (KPPOD) Armand Suparman, assessed that the rejection occurred because the central government did not immediately make technical rules for the mechanism for selecting the acting regional heads.

Because according to Armand, to this day the government has not implemented the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) mandating the formation of technical rules for filling out acting regional heads.

"In our opinion, this stems from the absence of technical regulations as mandated by the Constitutional Court's decision," said Armand in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 24.

Therefore, KPPOD encourages the central government, in this case the Ministry of Home Affairs, to immediately issue regulations. "Whether it will be a Minister of Home Affairs or even stronger in government regulations, for example, but technical regulations must exist," said Armand.

Armand suggested that the government take persuasive steps to resolve the polemic of the governor's refusal to inaugurate the acting regent. "We encourage the central government to take persuasive steps because if it takes decisive steps, the question is, which regulations are referred to," he said.

Armand is worried that if the issue is not resolved soon, it will set an example for other governors. "What we are worried about in the future, this can be taken as an example by other governors," he added. Previously, the Speaker of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, reminded the government that the election of acting regional heads should be carried out selectively. Puan asked the government to conduct a transparent and open selection process for public participation.

"Prepare adequate facilities if the community wants to provide input and carry out screening in a measurable manner and free from political interests," said Puan.

Puan hopes that the government will be careful in the screening process and determine regional officials with abilities that are in accordance with regional characteristics. "It is very important for the government to appoint an acting regional head who understands the social and economic needs of the region he will lead," he said. Formation of the Pansel Meanwhile, regional autonomy expert Djohermansyah Djohan, assessed that the inauguration of an official could be carried out by the Minister of Home Affairs if there was a refusal.

"That is resolved in the regulations at the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Law, the inauguration can be carried out by the Minister of Home Affairs. This means that there is no power vacuum," said Djohermansyah, Tuesday, May 24.

Djohermansyah then suggested that a selection committee (pansel) at the provincial or central level be formed by involving independent parties, experts, and even the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN). This is so that such incidents do not happen again in the future.

"So that it doesn't happen again. The rules of the game, regulations in the appointment, appointment of officials should be done openly, transparently, and using democratic principles in the context of the bureaucracy," said Djohermansyah.

Djohermansyah explained, the panel will formulate three names that will be selected through the auction mechanism. The name is announced to the public and also consulted with the leadership of the Provincial DPRD for the acting governor and the Regency/City DPRD for the regent/mayor.

Then a pause is also provided for the public to provide input regarding these names. Only then is it submitted to the competent authority to be elected. According to him, this is in accordance with the mandate of the Constitutional Court.

"In accordance with the good judgment of the Constitutional Court. The consideration of the Court is good. Do not be harassed," he concluded.