Happy Smiles 12,266 Micro Business Actors Receive BPUM From The Governor Of Riau, Everyone Receives IDR 1.2 Million

RIAU - Riau Governor Syamsuar handed over Productive Micro Business Assistance (BPUM) to 12,266 micro business actors to help revive business enthusiasm affected by COVID-19.

"Today BPUM can be distributed. This assistance is to continue the assistance in previous years and at the same time to accelerate economic recovery," said Syamsuar when giving aid symbolically at the Balai Serindit Regional Building, in Pekanbaru, Antara, Friday, May 20.

Assistance sourced from the Regional Budget of Riau Province 2022 disbursed through PT Bank Riau Kepri is expected to be useful for the community for business continuity. So that the economic climate in Bumi Lancang Kuning is getting better.

Head of the Riau Province Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and UKM Office, M Taufiq OH added, the distribution of Rp. 14,719,200,000 in aid sourced from the 2022 Riau Provincial Budget is in accordance with Riau Governor Decree Number kpts 754/IV of 2022 for 12,266 actors and each actor. business earns Rp. 1,200,000.

Taufiq said that in 2021 the Riau Provincial Government will also allocate assistance of Rp. 24,999,600,000 for 20,833 business actors and per person receiving Rp. 1,200,000.

One of the business actors in Riau who received BPUM, Meldia, thanked the Riau Provincial Government for the assistance.

"Thanks to the Governor of Riau who has helped us provide capital for our business. I will use this assistance properly for the development of the catering business," he said.