MPU Asks The People Of West Aceh Not To Worry About The Molotov Cocktails

MEULABOH - The chairman of the West Aceh District Ulama Consultative Council (MPU), Tgk Mahdi Kari asked all the people in his area not to worry about the Molotov cocktail terror at Ustadz H Abdullah Akib Lc's house on Tuesday, May 17, 2022.

"We urge the public to remain calm, we leave the handling completely to the police," said Tgk Mahdi Kari, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 20.

The head of the Ar Raudhatun Nabawiyah Islamic Boarding School, Masjid Baro Village, Samatiga District, West Aceh Regency also said his party hoped that the Molotov cocktail throwing case that occurred a few days ago would be immediately revealed.

The ulema in West Aceh also hopes that the perpetrator who is suspected of throwing the bomb at the house of Ustadz H Abdullah Akib Lc can be caught immediately.

Tgk Mahdi also said that his party still believes that the police can reveal the motive for throwing the Molotov cocktails, so that they can reveal the facts clearly.

He also admitted that the Molotov cocktail throwing case that befell Ustadz H Abdullah Akib Lc, the leader of the Meulaboh Islamic Boarding School (MBI) Meulaboh, West Aceh Regency, also attracted the full attention of the ulema, the Teungku Dayah, and the community.

According to Tgk Mahdi, the figure of Tgk H Abdullah Akib Lc has been known to be a very friendly and kind person to anyone, has no enemies, and is always focused on giving Koran recitations to the community, including children in West Aceh.

"That's why we were surprised when we learned about the disaster experienced by Ustadz Abdullah Akib, hopefully, this case can be revealed soon. We believe that the police can solve this case,” said Tgk Mahdi.