Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims Departing 2022 Get 199 Meals

BANGKA - The office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Bangka said that regular pilgrims from Indonesia have the right to eat 119 meals per person. The meal was given from the departure to Mecca until returning to the country.

Head of the Hajj and Umrah Organizing Section at the Ministry of Religion of Bangka, Suparhun, said that the 119 regular hajj pilgrims are entitled to eat 75 meals in the Holy Land of Makkah.

"Each pilgrim has the right to eat three times a day starting from the Hajj hostel and Saudi Arabian accommodation," he said in Sungailiat, Friday, May 13.

He is quite sure that the food intended for Hajj pilgrims must contain adequate nutrition and be adapted to the staple food of the Indonesian people.

"I recommend all prospective pilgrims not to bring items that are less important because they don't interfere with the journey, besides that the luggage capacity is limited," he said.

Based on the Antara report, as many as 112 regular pilgrims from Bangka Regency will depart for Makkah via the Palembang embarkation, South Sumatra.

The hundreds of pilgrims came from seven sub-districts, namely, Sungaliat sub-district as many as 57 pilgrims, Pemali two, Puding Besar nine, Bakam four, Belinyu five, Mendo Barat 18, and Merawang 17.

"I remind all prospective pilgrims before leaving to prepare for all the important needs and maintain health," he concluded.