Children's Lanterns: Electric Cigarettes Are Not Environmentally Friendly Products

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Lentera Anak Foundation, Lisda Sundari, said that e-cigarettes are not environmentally friendly products.

"The environment is affected by the consumption of tobacco products, including electric tobacco products which they claim as if they are more environmentally friendly," said Lisda Sundari, in an event entitled Environmental Impacts Due to the Tobacco Industry: Between False Solutions and Responsibilities that should be followed in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, May 12.

According to him, the Indonesian people have been consumed by the promotion of cigarette advertisements, so that people think that smoking is normal and harmless.

"We are addicted. We see cigarettes as if they are harmless, cigarettes seem cool, as the advertisements show. Our mindset has been manipulated, fooled, lied to by the cigarette industry," he said.

Though smoking is harmful to health and also has a negative impact on the environment.

His party noted that there are around 65 million active smokers in Indonesia, which makes Indonesia in third place as the country with the highest smokers in the world.

Lisda also invites young people who care about the environment to socialize to the public about the impact of smoking on the environment.

"Cigarettes are a never-ending burden. The more we know the dangers, the bigger the burden we have to bear," he said.