Ministry Of Religion Asks Mataram Hajj Pilgrims Not To Leave 2022 Wait For Latest Regulations

MATARAM - The names of the pilgrims who are included in the quota for Hajj departure in 2022 have been recorded. The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) appealed to those who did not enter the quota to leave this year to be patient while waiting for the latest regulatory changes.

"Of the 731 CJH in 2020, whose departure was twice postponed, only 401 CJH were able to go to the Holy Land this year," said Head of the Mataram City Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) HM Amin in Mataram, quoted by Antara, Thursday 12 May.

The rest, continued Amin, did not pass the verification, because there is a maximum age limit of 65 years and a minimum of 18 years. Of the 401 hajj candidates from Mataram City who will depart, the youngest is 25 years old.

"Before Lebaran, many people came to ask and ask for an explanation regarding the quota. We have already conveyed that the determination of the data for the departure of the prospective hajj candidates is fully determined by the government," he said.

In this case, he continued, the Ministry of Religion only submitted data on prospective Hajj pilgrims according to the portion number and the latest regulatory provisions. Meanwhile, the determination of the names to be dispatched is entirely government policy.

"Therefore, we hope that CJH, which has not yet entered the departure quota this year, can be patient and can take full advantage of the time to deepen rituals and other preparations," he said.

Amin hopes that the implementation of the hajj pilgrimage in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic this time can run smoothly, next year the CJH quota can return to normal, and even increase it.

Alluding to the preparations for the departure of 401 CJH from Mataram City, Amin said that prospective hajj pilgrims are currently in the stages of paying off the cost of organizing the pilgrimage (BPIH) until the deadline of May 20, 2022.

The amount of the 2022 BPIH for Lombok Embarkation is set at around IDR 41 million. This number is up from the 2020 BPIH of around Rp. 38 million.

Thus, he said, for CJH who had already withdrawn the repayment fee, all that was needed was to confirm with their respective banks for payment and re-payment. Meanwhile, for CJH who do not collect repayment fees, they are asked to come report to the Mataram Ministry of Religion Office and make a cover letter for the proposal to their respective banks.

"Those who do not take repayment fees, just add what is not in accordance with the 2022 BPIH. We are also preparing for Hajj rituals starting next week," he said.