Thousands Of Followers Of Tariqat Syattariyah In Aceh Have Celebrated Eid Al -Fitr

NAGAN RAYA - Thousands of followers of Tariqat Syattariyah in Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh, have celebrated Hari Raya IdulFitri 1443 Hijri, by performing the Id Prayer centered at the Peuleukung Mosque complex, Seunagan Timur District.

Acting as the prayer leader of Id Abu Said Kamaruddin Bin Abu Habib Qudrat, and the preacher was delivered by Teuku Raja Keumangan.

Teuku Raja Keumangan in a religious lecture delivered in front of thousands of pilgrims said, the implementation of the Eid prayer 1443 Hijri, because the congregation has performed the fasting of Ramadan for thirty days.

"Because there are still our brothers who have not celebrated Eid, the congregation of Habib Muda Seunagan (Tariqat Syattariyah) to respect those who are still fasting, by not eating and drinking in front of our brothers who are still fasting," said Teuku Raja Keumangan reported by Antara, Saturday, 30 April.

According to him, although different in carrying out Hari Raya Idulfitri, but the followers of the charismatic scholar of Aceh Abu Habib Muda Seunagan, are also urged to continue to respect other Muslims by setting a good example for the community.

Teuku Raja Keumangan also instructed the Muslim community to continue to strengthen the practice of worship in accordance with the teachings of Islam, based on the holy book of the Quran and authentic hadith.

In addition, he also said that the followers of the teachings of Abu Habib Muda Seunagan to be able to carry out the practice of worship perfectly in accordance with the trust of Abu Shaykhuna, for the perfection of the teachings of Islam by carrying out the sharia, tariqat, facts and achieve enlightenment.

He also instructed the congregation, to maintain good friendship, so that it is hoped that a harmonious atmosphere will be established by upholding the differences between each other.