Minister Siti Issues Circular Letter To Ensure Waste Management For Eid Al-Fitr Holidays According To Standards

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has issued a Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number SE.3/MENLHK/PSLB3/PLB.0/4/2022 concerning Waste Management in the Context of Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming.

This Circular Letter is to strengthen the commitment and active role of local governments in implementing waste reduction and handling to reduce waste generation to the TPA (Final Processing Site).

The Circular Letter is also to increase public participation in waste management efforts through a minimal waste homecoming policy and to strengthen the commitment and active role of producers/business actors in efforts to reduce and handle homecoming waste.

To ensure that waste management arising from travelers can be managed properly and according to standards, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, Tuesday, April 26, reviewed the readiness of waste management at Pasar Senen Train Station and Tanjung Priok Port, which are already quite crowded with travelers.

During this working visit, Minister Siti also wanted to ensure the readiness of local governments to continue to carry out maximum waste management efforts. She said that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry wanted to ensure the readiness of public facilities in anticipating the impact of waste generated during the holiday homecoming.

To anticipate waste generation, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has assisted in the form of facilities and infrastructure for segregated waste bins. In addition, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry also asked the managers of public facilities such as stations, terminals, rest areas, ports, airports, and so on to provide facilities and infrastructure for trash bins, including education for the public to be responsible for the waste generated.

"Most importantly, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry encourages people's behavior to care about waste, starting with efforts to minimize waste during homecoming or Eid holidays", said Minister Siti in a statement received by the editors.

According to Minister Siti's observations at Pasar Senen Station, with the availability of segregated trash bins and socialization from officers, the passengers at Pasar Senen Station were observed to be obedient in placing trash in its place. To support homecoming with minimal waste, there are plenty of trash cans on each platform.

Likewise, at Tanjung Priok Port, Minister Siti handed over assistance in the form of infrastructure for segregated trash bins to the port management authority. He reviewed and listened to the port manager's explanation regarding waste management.

When visiting Pasar Senen Station and Tanjung Priok Port, Minister Siti greeted and had a dialogue with the travelers, as well as gave gifts with drinking and eating places to be reused for the travelers. This is also part of educating the public to reduce waste generation by bringing reusable food and drink supplies.

"It's great to see people go home safe and sound. It is not easy to prepare for conditions like this. Personally, I thank the station head and the leadership of Pelindo, the port authority, the harbormaster, thank you for preparing the infrastructure properly, and educating the public", said Minister Siti.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry's campaign with the slogan "Minim Waste Homecoming" aims to encourage people to start caring about efforts to minimize waste, especially in this year's Eid Al-Fitr holiday homecoming activity.

Then, the management of public facilities such as stations, ports, airports, bus terminals, rest areas, and so on can anticipate waste problems during homecoming, by providing infrastructure facilities, and educating travelers. Through Circular Letter Minister of LHK 3/2022, KLHK requested the readiness of Regional Governments throughout Indonesia to carry out maximum waste management efforts during the Eid Al-Fitr homecoming period.

"We have been preparing for this since a few months ago, we also check how things work at stations, ports, airports, as well as those in toll road rest areas. We have also reminded local governments, coordinated with the central level to remind and educate travelers, and checked their waste management facilities to the TPA. The steps are by the standard. This is not easy, but hopefully, it will get better", explained Minister Siti.