Ukraine War Pressure, Russia's Perverted Video Creator Content Won't Get Paid OnlyFans

JAKARTA - OnlyFans decided not to pay for content from Russian creators on its platform due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Including nasty video creator content.

“OnlyFans is a content creator's first business. Over the past few months, we have explored several options to continue providing our services to creators affected by the Russia/Ukraine war," said OnlyFans, quoted from

"However, due to increasingly strict rules for payments to and from Russia, OnlyFans can no longer properly serve the Russian creator community. As a result, we have taken steps to temporarily suspend accounts that accept payments in Russia," he continued.

OnlyFans' new policy in terms of payments is not only to content creators in Russia, but also to citizens of the country led by Vladimir Putin.

In February, OnlyFans temporarily blocked access to Russian creators' content. OnlyFans informs, "Please note that your country is not supported for payments," reads the info.

With the decision handed down to Russian citizens, it is possible OnlyFans will leave the country. OnlyFans are not alone in this, many western technology companies are also withdrawing from Russia. The effort was in response to Russian pressure on Ukraine.

Many western payment operators, such as American Express and Mastercard, have also suspended operations in Russia after the conflict in Ukraine flared.

It is known, OnlyFans is a platform where users can access adult and sexual content. Meanwhile, OnlyFans creators can also earn money from their content.