Desperate To Cross The River, Husband And Wife Are Swept Away By The Current

TIMKIA - The Search and Rescue (SAR) Office of Timika, Papua, on Wednesday morning again deployed a number of personnel to look for a traditional gold miner who was reported to have been swept away by the flood currents on the Mile 28 River on Tuesday 19 April. Wednesday, April 20, said his staff had deployed two rubber boats to search for the 23-year-old miner named Egiono Fatmil. "We will expand the search area from Mile 28 to the mouth of Portsite Harbor with an estimated search time of three to four hours. I hope you will get positive results," said Syahril as quoted by Antara. The victim is known to have been swept away by the flood currents with his wife, Brenda Wenehen, aged 18, on Monday, April 18, at around 20:00 WIT. SAR Timika, Tuesday 19 April explained that the husband and wife were desperate to cross the river in Mile 28 to return to Timika after days of panning for gold grains at the PT Freeport Indonesia tailings deposition site. Unfortunately, when they were in the middle of the river, the two were swept away by the flood currents. Hearing the news, the victim's family tried to search. On Tuesday, April 19 afternoon, the victim named Brenda Wenehen was found at Mile 25 in a dead condition. The victim's body was then evacuated to Mimika Hospital for cleaning and then on Tuesday night brought to her parents' house in Timika's Sempan area to be buried this Wednesday morning at the Timika SP1 Public Cemetery.