Retired Civil Servant Arrested By Police After Deceiving Residents Of Up To Hundreds Of Millions With CPNS Test Mode

CILACAP – Tempted by the offer to become a Civil Servant (PNS), a resident of Nusawungu, Cilacap Regency, was tricked into hundreds of millions of rupiah. Ironically, the perpetrator is known to be a retired civil servant.

Cilacap Police Chief AKBP Eko Widiantoro explained, in this case two people have been designated as. Each with the initials D and AS. Suspect D is a retired civil servant, while AS is a private employee. The two perpetrators promised their victims could pass the civil servant candidate test (CPNS).

“The victim's parents initially met the suspect at a wedding reception, and told them that their son was looking for a job by applying for civil servants. And at that time the suspect said he could help the CPNS entry process, with a period of 1 year he could receive a CPNS SK.” explained AKBP Eko Widiantoro in a written statement, Tuesday, April 19.

Tempted by the suspect's words, the victim finally came to the perpetrator's house while handing over the money. The transfer of money is carried out in stages, but if the total is total it reaches Rp. 157,000,0000.

However, one time later, on March 30, 2022, the victim was upset because her son did not become a civil servant. Feeling cheated, the victim reported the incident to the police.

"The evidence that was successfully secured by the officers were two receipts for depositing money from the BRI bank and three payment receipts," he said.

The suspect was charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with 372 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of four years in prison.