Throughout 2022, 6 Rape Cases And 1 Sodomy Occurred In Cianjur, P2TP2A: The Perpetrators Are Average Boyfriends To Stepfathers
CIANJUR - Throughout 2022, there were seven cases of sexual violence against children and women with underage victims in Cianjur, West Java. Of the seven cases, six of them were rape and one was a case of sodomy.
Meanwhile, a recent report that has just entered the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) relates to underage women who died after being raped and given alcohol in Agrabinta District, Cianjur.
"Most of the perpetrators are known to the victims closely, such as girlfriends, stepfathers and even biological fathers. Most of the victims are minors and are easily tricked by the perpetrators because they are familiar and close," said the Daily Chairperson of P2TP2A Cianjur, Lidya Umar when contacted on Sunday, April 17.
She explained that her party continues to accompany the families and victims so that they are not afraid or embarrassed to report themselves in order to have a deterrent effect on the perpetrators, most of whom carry out their actions repeatedly with threats.
"We will continue to provide assistance to victims so that the trauma does not drag on, including providing psychological assistance," she said.
The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Cianjur, quoted from Antara, assessed that with the rise of cases that befell children in Cianjur, Cianjur was not worthy of being called a child-friendly city/district, despite having Regional Regulation (Perda) number 5 of 2021 concerning Child-friendly Districts.
"The district government should immediately implement the regional regulation directly and completely in accordance with its objectives, not only recorded on paper, but in the field it is not used," said Commissioner of KPAI Cianjur, Ai Maryati.
He also asked the district government to immediately form a special team and pilot areas for child-friendly areas, along with supporting facilities, ranging from public facilities, education, information, internet, and others to be provided according to the needs of children.
"Cianjur is not yet a child-friendly area, even though it already has a regional regulation, but minors are still vulnerable to becoming objects of violence, especially sexual violence. This must be a shared task to reduce the number of violence," she said.