After The TPKS Law, The PKS Faction Asks For The Criminal Code Bill To Be Legalized Immediately

JAKARTA - The chairman of the PKS faction in the DPR RI, Jazuli Juwaini, believes that the DPR's approval of the Draft Law on Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) to become a law must be followed by the ratification of the Draft Criminal Code (KUHP). so that the Criminal Code Bill is immediately discussed and ratified so that efforts to prevent and take action against all forms of criminal acts of morality such as adultery and deviant sex that are worrying and threaten the community can be carried out effectively," said Jazuli in Jakarta, Thursday. TPKS is carried out in parallel with the articles of moral crime in the Draft Criminal Code so that it is more complete, complete, integral and does not overlap. According to him, the most important thing is not to give rise to other meanings that are not in line with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. We don't yet have a comprehensive formulation of the crime of decency and the Draft Criminal Code is trying to formulate it," he said. However, according to him, because the TPKS Bill has been approved by the DPR to be passed into law, the PKS faction has urged that the KUHP Bill be discussed and ratified immediately. According to him, this is to prevent and prosecute all forms of decency crimes such as adultery and deviant sex. worrying and threatening the public can be done effectively. He said that the PKS faction's rejection of the TPKS Bill was solely to remind the DPR that there is actually a spirit and momentum to regulate decency crimes in a complete and comprehensive manner in the Draft Criminal Code. The decision of the Constitutional Court Number 46/PUU-XIV/2016 and in their legal considerations, the Judge of the Constitutional Court emphasized that corrective steps were needed to complete the articles that regulate criminal acts of morality by legislators.

"With the ratification of the TPKS Bill into law, we have lost the momentum to get a comprehensive regulation on decency crimes. In addition, multi-interpretation gaps still occur for immoral behavior carried out without coercion and violence, such as free and deviant sex," he said. The crime of sexual violence from the comprehensive framework of discussing moral crimes has the potential to cause multiple interpretations in the aspect of the criminal offense such as the current polemic. According to him, this causes partial arrangements and weakens efforts to prevent and prosecute all types of moral crimes that are troubling and threaten the community. "The PKS faction reminds that until now the DPR and the Government have 'homework' to complete and improve the articles that regulate criminal acts of decency as stated in the Constitutional Court's decision, which includes sexual violence, adultery, and sexual perversions," he said.