Residents Of Kebayoran Lama Arrest Women Who Entered Their Homes Without Permission, Police: Perpetrators Have Psychological Disorders

JAKARTA – Residents of Jalan Masjid Cidodol, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 8, suddenly became busy at night after arresting a woman suspected of stealing a house. The alleged theft was carried out when the occupants of the house were going to the mini market.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kebayoran Lama Police, AKP Iwan said, the victim did not go to Tarawih, but went to a mini market.

"No (Tarawih), he went to Alfamart for a while, wanted to go shopping," said Iwan when confirmed, Friday, April 9.

Iwan explained that the incident began when the victim named Wismasari and Heri were out of the house heading to Indomaret near his house. And coincidentally, continued, Iwan, the two people left the house unlocked.

"Leaving the house to Alfamart, the door is closed but not locked," he said.

After returning from the mini market, the witness found the perpetrator in his room, suspected of committing theft. When it was secured, there was no accompanying evidence.

"At around 7:30 p.m. on the 2nd floor of the house, a woman named Atiyah has been secured by witness Heri Yulianto as the owner of the house. When she was secured, Atiyah was not found any evidence," he said.

However, after that, the victim saw that the bedroom door and wardrobe which were previously locked had been opened. When checked, it was discovered that his Rp 1.2 million had been missing.

When re-examined, the money previously stored in the cupboard was transferred to the victim's wallet. It is suspected that it was the perpetrators who transferred the money and then it would be stolen.

"Seeing the bedroom door on the 2nd floor was open and the wardrobe in the room was open. The victim saw that IDR 1.2 million was stored under the clothes in the cupboard. The victim checked again that his money had moved. into the victim's wallet," explained Iwan.

The motive of the perpetrator, continued AKP Iwan, was to steal because of economic pressure and it was suspected that the perpetrator was driven by the klepto mental illness suffered by the perpetrator.

"He's a bit disturbed psychologically, he suddenly wants to take things, kind of like a klepto.

"His family is also tired, he said he has often entered people's homes. His family said they had been treated too," he added.

For information, before carrying out his action in Kebayoran Lama, the perpetrator had also carried out a similar action in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, and was detained at the Kebon Jeruk Police.

"Yes, I've been in the Jeruk Kebun area. He was detained at the Kebun Jeruk Police Station," he concluded.

For his actions, the perpetrator will be detained at the Kebayoran Lama Police and charged with Article 364 junto 53 junto 167 of the Criminal Code.