Viral Call For Demo April 11 Demands Jokowi To Step Down, Metro Police: No Request For Action

JAKARTA - Content circulating on social media containing an invitation to take part in a demonstration around the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, on Monday, April 11. The action demanded injustice and asked President Jokowi to step down.

Regarding the call, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan said that his party had not received a notification letter from any group of actions.

"So far, Polda Metro has not received any requests for activities to express opinions in public by any group," Zulpan said when confirmed, Friday, April 8.

According to the rules, every protest must submit a notification letter to the police. The letter must be submitted no later than 3X24 hours before the action is held.

The aim is that the police can provide security and help the demonstration run peacefully.

"However, until now we have not received requests from any group to convey their opinions in public," he said. Moreover, not provoked by the circulating issues.

"Regarding the current flyers on social media that we have encountered, namely the invitation from groups of elements of society to take part in a demonstration on April 11 in Jakarta, Polda Metro would like to convey that it is not easy and believe this invitation," said Zulpan .