Sungai Buaya PLTM Starts Operation, PLN's Basic Production Costs In North Sumatra Can Save IDR 1.9 Billion

JAKARTA - The Sungai Buaya Mini-hydro Power Plant (PLTM) with a capacity of 2x1.5 megawatts (MW) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra is now officially operational.

The energy produced by the PLTM operated by PT Landasan Tata Laksana Energi will also be absorbed by PLN.

General Manager of PLN UIW North Sumatra, Pandapotan Manurung explained that the operation of the Sungai Buaya PLTM has increased the use of green energy in North Sumatra. Currently, the portion of NRE in the energy mix in North Sumatra reaches 44.88 percent. This is the highest achievement in Indonesia.

"We hope that the operation of the Sungai Buaya PLTM can increase the reliability of electricity supply, especially in Deli Serdang Regency and its surroundings. This must also be accompanied by environmental sustainability around the PLTM so that it can be maintained so that the surrounding community can benefit," he said, Thursday, April 7.

The construction of the Sungai Buaya PLTM project has been stipulated in the 2021-2030 Electric Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) so that its operation becomes a priority in order to support the use of EBT.

"It is hoped that the operation of the Sungai Buaya PLTM can improve the quality of the voltage from 20.4 kV to 20.6 kV and the efficiency of the cost of production (BPP) in the North Sumatra region of Rp. 1.9 billion," added Pandapotan.

Director of PT Platform Tata Laksana Energi, Ade Rusli, expressed his gratitude for the support and cooperation provided by PLN UIW North Sumatra during the construction of the Sungai Buaya PLTM.

"We will certainly continue to be committed to increasing the use of mini-hydro power plants in order to make the green energy program a success," said Ade Rusli.