North Sumatra Binda Vaccinates Class I Detainees In Medan

MEDAN - The North Sumatra Regional State Intelligence Agency (Binda Sumut) carried out a COVID-19 vaccination for inmates at the Class I Detention Center in Medan, Monday, April 4.

"This vaccination activity is an effort to support the government in accelerating herd immunity to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19," said Head of the North Sumatran Regional State Intelligence Agency (Kabinda) Brigadier General Asep Jauhari Puja Laksana.

He said that his party today also carried out simultaneous vaccinations in 28 districts and cities in North Sumatra.

The vaccination targets are children aged 6-11 years, the community, and the elderly with an allocation of 14,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

"Today, throughout North Sumatra, we have allocated 14,000 doses, including 1,500 doses in Medan, which were carried out at the Class I Detention Center in Medan and seven scattered locations," he said, as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, Head of Medan State Detention Center I Theo Adrianus Purba expressed his gratitude to North Sumatra Binda for vaccinating the local inmates.

"Thanks to the synergy of all of us, this vaccination can run well," he said.

"With the provision of the COVID-19 vaccine, it is hoped that herd immunity can be built and the immune system of the inmates can be maintained," said Theo.