3 Marunda Residents Have Corneal Ulcers Due To Coal Dust, 2 Of Them Are Children

JAKARTA - It was revealed that coal dust pollution in Marunda Flats, North Jakarta caused serious illnesses to its residents. Now, there are three cases of corneal ulcers which are strongly suspected to be due to coal dust pollution in Marunda.

This was stated by the Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Retno Listyarti. Retno said that two of the cases were children.

Corneal ulcers are open sores on the cornea that are most often caused by infection. Corneal ulcers can result from direct injury to the eye, bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. This condition, also known as keratitis, is a medical emergency.

"This time, 2 cases were found with the diagnosis of Corneal Ulcers, strongly suspected of being caused by Marunda contamination, namely SY (female, 6 years old) and BA (male, 20 years old)," said Retno in her statement, Friday, March 31.

"Previously there was 1 case, namely R (male, 9 years old) who had received an eye donor. So, until March 2022, the number of cases diagnosed with Corneal Ulcers in Marunda became 3 cases, 2 of which were experienced by minors," she continued.

In the case of R, Retno said that at this time the child had to replace the cornea through a healthy eye donor. Until now, R is still undergoing outpatient treatment after corneal replacement surgery. R also has to wear glasses.

Unfortunately, although the perpetrator of coal dust pollution, namely PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN) has received administrative sanctions from the DKI Provincial Government to improve the management of loading and unloading activities, coal dust is still polluted to this day.

The Marunda Flats Forum reported to KPAI that the loading and unloading activities of coal at the Marunda port have not decreased, let alone stopped.

In fact, there is a video that shows the sighting of a coal truck moving along the highway around Marunda Flats during the day without being covered by a tarpaulin. Coal ash seemed to fly in the wind.

"According to residents, such sights occur every day, so that until now the floors of the houses of the Marunda Flats and RPTRA residents as well as all the children's games are always covered in dust and must be cleaned up to 4 times a day because they are covered in coal dust," she explained.