MPR Affirms Every Political Party Must Embrace The Meaning Of The Four Pillars

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid assessed that the socialization of the Four Pillars of the MPR RI, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, was very important for political parties. nominate the president and vice president, members of the DPR, and members of the DPRD who understand the Four Pillars of the MPR. "Political parties that understand the Four Pillars of the MPR are certainly not possible to nominate people who are anti-the Four Pillars of the MPR," said Hidayat in the Socialization of the Four Pillars with the Provincial PKS DPW Central Kalimantan, in Palangka Raya, Monday, March 28. He assessed that political parties that understand the Four Pillars of the MPR cannot nominate people as presidential candidates, vice presidential candidates, and legislative candidates who are anti-Pancasila, anti-NRI 1945 Constitution, anti-Pancasila. Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and anti-Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. According to him, if political parties do not understand Pancasila, then the person who is proposed as a presidential candidate or u candidates for members of the DPR or DPRD are not in accordance with Pancasila. He gave an example, if they do not understand Pancasila, political parties propose candidates who do not care about justice because they ignore just and civilized humanity, people who do not attach importance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia because they do not understand Indonesian Unity.

"It is important for political parties to understand the Four Pillars of the MPR. Political parties should nominate candidates for president or vice president, members of the DPR and DPRD who understand the Four Pillars of the MPR so that they can continue the historical legacy of the nation's founders," he said, quoted by Antara. in the reform era, because the 1945 Constitution, which was previously amended, did not mention the word "political party" nor did it mention general elections, or restrictions on the presidential term of office. The election of DPR members, while the Decree of July 5 1959, returned to the original 1945 Constitution which did not mention political parties. Because of that, Hidayat considered that political parties have become part of the provisions of the Constitution, as well as the election related to being a new chapter in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. hun 1945. He said, with such provisions, Indonesia is in a different era from the Old Order era and the New Order era. "In the era of democracy, political parties have an extraordinary role. Political parties are mentioned in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 22E paragraph 3 and Article 6A paragraphs 1 and 2. Article 22E paragraph (3) states that participants in the general election to elect members of the DPR and DPRD members are political parties. (1) The President and the Vice President are elected in one pair directly by the people, and Article 6A (2) the pairs of candidates for President and Vice President are proposed by a political party or coalition of political parties participating in the general election prior to the implementation of the general election.