Danlantamal VI Makassar Leads The Funeral Of The TNI Who Died In KKB Attack

KENDARI - Commander of the Indonesian Navy's Main Base (Danlantamal) VI Makassar, First Admiral of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Benny Sukandar, led the funeral ceremony for the body of First Lieutenant (Lettu) Marine Muhammad Iqbal who died in an attack by an armed criminal group (KKB) Papua.

Danlantamal VI Makassar became Inspector of Ceremony (Irup) in the funeral ceremony that was held militarily, Monday, March 29 evening.

The body of the late First Lieutenant Iqbal was buried in the family cemetery, about 30 meters behind the funeral home in Anggotoa Village, Wawotobi District, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

The funeral procession began at 20.01 central Indonesia time. The series of funerals were carried out militarily and the education history of the deceased was read.

The parents of the late Hartini and Maris, including their three siblings, witnessed firsthand their loved ones about to be buried.

Not only parents and relatives, thousands of families and relatives also jostled to witness the funeral of the best son of Konawe Regency who died due to the ferocity of the Papuan KKB.

The deceased's body was put into the grave at 20.15 central Indonesia time. The funeral procession was completed at 20.35 central Indonesia time.

The Commander of Lantamal (Danlantamal) VI Makassar, First Admiral of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Benny Sukandar, then sprinkled flowers on the deceased's grave, followed by Maris's father, family, and relatives.

"This great ceremony is held as a tribute and appreciation from the government for the service of dharma filial piety and dedication of the deceased to the country and nation during his lifetime," said Danlantamal VI Makassar as quoted by Antara.

He said that the loss of a loved one would certainly cause deep sorrow for all, especially for the bereaved family.

"As religious people, we must accept it sincerely because the departure of the deceased is the decision and will of God Almighty," said Danlantamal VI Makassar.

On behalf of the extended family of the Navy and colleagues of the deceased, Danlatamal VI Makassar conveys his deepest condolences.

According to him, the departure of the deceased made all parties lose the nation's son who always adhered to every principle of struggle in realizing the ideals of the nation and state.

He invites that what the deceased did during his life in carrying out his duties with enthusiasm and sincerity can be imitated in continuing to serve the nation and state.

"I invite the audience to open their chests to forgive the deceased. May God Almighty accept his deeds of worship and his spirit get a proper place by His side," said TNI First Admiral Benny Sukandar.