Only Nine Days Run, 23 People Arrested In Drug Cases

SULBAR - The West Sulawesi Regional Police (Sulbar) arrested 23 people suspected of being drug abusers during the nine days of the 2022 Marano Antique Operation.

Deputy Director of Narcotics Investigation at the West Sulawesi Police AKBP Alberth H Ully at the Anev meeting of the Antique Operations Task Force Marano in the meeting room of the Ditreskoba Polda Sulbar, Monday, March 28, said the Antique Operation Marano 2022 will last for 14 days, from March 18-31 2022.

"On the ninth day of this operation, we managed to secure 23 narcotics abusers from five districts in the West Sulawesi region," Alberth said as quoted by Antara.

A total of 23 people who were arrested are suspected of being the perpetrators of drug abuse, 15 of whom were targets of operation (TO) and eight others were not included in the TO of the West Sulawesi Regional Police and Polres Ditreskoba in six districts in this area.

He detailed that the Ditreskoba Polda Sulbar managed to arrest nine people, six of whom were TO and the other three were not included in the target of the operation.

Then Majene Police, he said again, arrested three people, two of whom were local police officers.

Meanwhile, of the four TO Polres Polewali Mandar, three of them were successfully arrested in the 2022 Marano Antique Operation. And the Mamasa Police arrested three people who were not included in the target of the local police operation.

"In the 2022 Marano Antique Operation, the Polewali Mandar Police succeeded in arresting four suspected drug abusers, three of whom were TO," he said. drugs during the operation on the ninth day," said Alberth.

In the Antique Operation Marano 2022, the Central Mamuju Police succeeded in arresting two TOs and the Pasangkayu Police managed to secure two of the four people who were included in the local police TO.

"There are still several TOs that have not been caught, so we ask the Preventive Task Force to make maximum use of the remaining three days of operation," said Alberth.

Apart from taking preventive measures, the Antik Marano Operation, said Alberth again, also carried out preemptive measures by providing advice and counseling about narcotics abuse in schools and in the community.

"Meanwhile, the Pre-emptive Task Force I ask to disseminate information about the effects of narcotics on students," said Alberth as well.