IPO Survey: 77 Percent Of The Public Reject The Postponement Of The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Opinion Institute (IPO) released the results of a survey related to the discourse on postponing the 2024 General Election. As a result, the majority of the public said they rejected the postponement of the five-year democratic party.

"The majority of respondents reject the discourse on postponing the 2024 General Election", said IPO Executive Director, Dedi Kurnia Syah in a survey release, Monday, March 28.

In the survey data presented by Dedi, 46 percent of respondents who stated disagreed, while those who strongly disagreed were 31 percent.

"If accumulated, the number of public rejection of the discourse is 77 percent", he explained.

On the other hand, continued Dedi, the number of respondents who agreed with the discourse was only 19 percent. While those who strongly agree the figure is 4 percent.

"If it is accumulated, 23 percent of respondents agree with the discourse", he said.

In addition to the postponement of the election, the IPO also measures the public's response to the discourse on extending the term of office of the President. As a result, the public's resistance is also great.

For the extension of the president's term of office, the public who disagreed was 40 percent. While those who strongly disagree were 23 percent.

"So, the number of rejections is 63 percent", said Dedi.

Meanwhile, the number of respondents who agreed that the President's term of office was extended was 29 percent. While those who strongly agree are 8 percent.

"When accumulated, the figure is 37 percent", he concluded.

This survey was conducted in the period 11-17 March 2022. Meanwhile, the number of respondents was 1,220 who were taken randomly.

This method has a measurement error (margin of error) of 2.90 percent, with a data accuracy rate of 95 percent. Setting the sampling using multistage random sampling (MRS) technique, or stratified sampling.