Homecoming Has Been Allowed But Don't Think The Pandemic Is Over

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX DPR RI Rahmad Handoyo positively welcomed the government's policy of allowing people to travel back and forth during Ramadan and Eid in 2022.

"This policy should not be overly welcomed, the public should not be euphoric. Especially if you think the pandemic is over. It's a big mistake!" said Rahmad Handoyo in Jakarta, Friday, March 25.

The PDIP politician reminded that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Therefore, he considered, the public must always prioritize the principle of prudence in their activities.

"It's not that the pandemic is not over, but the WHO said. This world health institution is still warning that the pandemic is far from over. Therefore, the precautionary principle must always be prioritized," Rahmad appealed.

According to Rahmad, Indonesia must reflect on the cases of COVID-19 that occurred in several countries in Europe. According to him, a number of countries in Europe, where previously positive cases of COVID-19 had declined, could explode again due to easing policies.

“Perhaps because of public pressure, political and socio-cultural pressure, many countries in Europe have relaxed the rules and are very open. There are even those who do not require the use of masks in public spaces, just look at it now, there was an explosion. There are positive cases up to 200 thousand per day, and hospitals are full again," he explained.

Apart from Europe, continued Rahmad, this also happened in South Korea. He said, in the ginseng country, currently it has penetrated 10 million cases or nearly 20 percent of the country's total population. Currently, South Korea has the highest positive case in the world.

"I think the case in Europe as well as in South Korea should be our common concern. We certainly do not want after sloping like this and then explode again. That's why we have to be careful," said Rahmad.

In order not to go too far, continued Rahmad, on this Eid momentum all residents without exception must be truly responsible for their own safety, the environment and the safety of residents at the homecoming place.

"We hope that when traveling back and forth, people will continue to use health protocols. This is non-negotiable," he said.

Welcoming the homecoming momentum, the PDIP legislator for the Central Java electoral district appealed to the public to immediately join the vaccination program. And get a booster vaccine.

"Those who haven't been vaccinated, get vaccinated immediately. Come on, follow the government's instructions. If you really need a booster, yes please booster. From now on, look for booster facilities," he said.

Rahmad added, to control the rate of spread of COVID-19 actually required the cooperation of all parties, including the people to be visited. Ahead of the homecoming season, he said, residents must reactivate their tough village program, alert the RT/RW task force to remind each other not to rejoice and warn their siblings for a booster or at least a complete vaccine.

"If there are relatives or relatives who have not been fully vaccinated, residents should ask them not to go home. Such firmness is needed. The goal is to take care of each other," said Rahmad. Previously, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy signaled that people were allowed to go home during the Idul Fitri Eid in April-May 2022.

"It has not been discussed (in detail), but God willing, we can go home. God willing. We just want to tidy up the rules," said Muhadjir Effendy, at the office of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 22.

He revealed that one of the requirements for going home was that Masya had carried out a complete COVID-19 vaccination and a booster vaccine.

"Just in case, let's immediately complete two doses of vaccine and booster. There's a lot of boosters. We make sure those with boosters are safe to go home," added Muhadjir Effendy.