Has A Charming Appearance, It Turns Out That The Flower Of The Eggplant Saves Many Health Benefits

JAKARTA - A distinctive blue color, beautiful, and attractive. That's what this flower looks like. At first glance, it may seem that this flower is just an ordinary ornamental plant, but who would have thought that it turns out that the money flower, which has the scientific name Clitoria Ternatea, has a myriad of health benefits.

To get the benefits of telang flower optimally, you can process it and brew it like tea. This tea from the telang flower is commonly called blue tea. Here are some of the benefits of pea flower tea that are good for health.

Contains Antioxidants

Scientists from the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences research, concluded that the source of antioxidants in the pea flower is produced by the methanol extract in it. This high antioxidant content can also help improve your digestion.

Win the Mood

The content of palmitic acid in telang flower can be a natural antidepressant and has the effect of relieving stress, symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Healing Wounds

Telang flower seed extract contains flavonoid glycosides which can accelerate the wound healing process.

Relieve Diabetes

Tested in the "Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science" which showed results that anti-diabetic activity due to significantly lower serum glucose levels.

Healthy Heart

Telang flower tea which is rich in antioxidants can be beneficial for maintaining heart health and lowering high cholesterol levels which are a major risk factor for heart disease.