March 18, 1966, 15 Loyal Ministers Of Bung Karno Arrested By Suharto

JAKARTA - Today 56 years ago, March 18, 1966, Suharto arrested 15 ministers of the Republic of Indonesia who were considered Soekarno loyalists. The arrest was the aftermath of the issuance of the Eleven March Warrant (Supersemar).

The letter contained messages to Suharto to secure the situation: the threat of a coup and demonstrations. Instead of bringing the situation under control, Suharto used Supersemar to eradicate Sukarno's loyalists. Therefore, Suharto was able to replace Sukarno as president.

Soekarno is known as a national figure. His struggle to liberate the nation was so great. Even his charisma is able to make Indonesia seen as a big and courageous nation. This condition changed a lot when Indonesia entered the 1960s era. The economic recession began to haunt Indonesia.

Suharto while serving as Minister of the Commander of the Army. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

All Indonesian people screamed. Prices of basic commodities have gone up wildly. The government's attitude is just the opposite. Many of his officials live in luxury. This condition is inversely proportional to the condition of the people who live increasingly difficult. As the result, the notes of protest appear everywhere.

Students also demanded three things Bung Karno commonly known as the Three Demands of the People (Tritura). First, dissolve the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), reshuffle the Dwikora Cabinet, and lower prices. Soekarno also heard. On Friday, March 11, 1966, President Soekarno chaired the meeting of the enhanced Dwikora Cabinet (Cabinet of 100 Ministers) at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta.

However, Bung Karno did not finish. He left Jakarta early and fled to the Bogor Palace. His security was threatened because of student actions and the emergence of the coup issue. After that, Bung Karno issued Supersemar, which gave orders to the Commander in Chief of the Army, Suharto to maintain security, but instead, he used it for other things.

"Based on the March Eleventh Order (Supersemar) signed by Bung Karno himself, Bung Karno's way of life changed and his political career ended. Bung Karno's business in late 1966 and early 1967 almost ceased to exist. He was only accompanied by Mrs. Hartini and her two sons and accompanied by a personal aide and escort, Bung Karno was in Bogor Palace pavilion.”

“There are not many people who come, including his friends. In fact, it seems quite true how people shun him for fear of being called pro-Bung Karno. Those who were close have become distant, some have even started screaming at him to cover up their involvement in the past,” said Bung Karno's aide, Bambang Widjanarko in the book Sewindu Dekat Bung Karno (1988).

Since then Soekarno loyalists were hunted down. Those caught or found near Bung Karno were immediately arrested, or in other words, they were removed. Moreover, they are often labeled as leftist, aka communist. All of that was done under Supersemar's power. For the safety of the nation and the state in particular.

Minister of Central Bank and Governor of Bank Negara, Jusuf Muda Dalam (Photo: Doc. National Library of Indonesia)

The act of reducing Soekarno's role was even more massive. On March 18, 1966, Suharto arrested 15 ministers of the Republic of Indonesia who were accused of being close to Bung Karno. Including Jusuf Muda Dalam (Minister of Central Bank and Governor of Bank Negara). The tactic is accurate. After that, nothing could stop Suharto's power to become the number one person in Indonesia to replace Bung Karno.

"Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the early days of Supersemar's birth until Suharto's appointment as chairman of the Presidium of the Ampera Cabinet was the beginning of the birth of the New Order," concluded Nina Herlina in the book Malam Bencana 1965 Volume 2 (2012).

*Read other information about TODAY'S HISTORY or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.