COVID-19 Patients In Bangka Belitung Increase 164 Total To 2,962 People

PANGKALPINANG - The Bangka Belitung Islands Province's COVID-19 Handling Task Force stated that 164 active COVID-19 patients had returned, bringing the total number of patients exposed to the Coronavirus required to be isolated to 2,962 people.

"Today, the number of cases of people exposed to COVID-19 has decreased compared to the previous day's 257 people", said Secretary of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 for the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Mikron Antariksa, in Pangkalpinang on Thursday, March 17.

He explained that based on the latest daily COVID-19 case data, the addition of 164 COVID-19 patients spread to Pangkalpinang 46, Bangka 22, Central Bangka 31, West Bangka 17, Belitung 28, East Belitung 16, and South Bangka 4 patients.

Meanwhile, patients recovering from COVID-19 also increased by 330 people spread across Pangkalpinang 118, Bangka 86, Central Bangka 24, West Bangka 39, Belitung 34, East Belitung 19 and South Bangka 10 patients.

"The day a patient died from COVID-19 also increased by 3 or decreased compared to the previous day, which was 5 patients", he said.

He said that with the addition of cases of people exposed to COVID-19, the total number of patients who were still undergoing isolation became 2,962 people spread across 1,232 Pangkalpinang, Bangka 512, Central Bangka 376, West Bangka 241, Belitung 480, East Belitung 62, and South Bangka 59 patient.

"Alhamdulillah, the number of cases of people exposed to COVID-19 in the past week was lower than those of recovered patients, so people are required to self-isolate, centralized isolation and hospitalization is decreasing", he said.

He added that currently, 2,783 COVID-19 patients are undergoing self-isolation, 19 isoters, and the rest are being treated at a referral hospital for handling COVID-19.

"Currently the number of beds in the centralized isolation are still empty because people exposed to the Coronavirus choose to undergo self-isolation at home", he said.