Rans PIK Player Shane Heyward Sentenced To Ban And Fined IDR 20 Million

JAKARTA – RANS PIK Basketball player Hal Shane Heyward was sentenced to a five-game ban and a fine of IDR 20 million.

The sanction was due to Heyward being found to have hit the Prawira Bandung player, Taj Davis Spencer. The beating occurred when the two teams met in the IBL competition on Wednesday, March 9.

The IBL and all the referees have reviewed the incident to make sure that it was a hit. The results of the review show Heyward's actions occurred in the fourth quarter with 2 minutes 25 seconds remaining.

"This punishment is by the IBL Competition Rules Chapter V Article 3 paragraph 2", said IBL competition manager Rufiana in an official statement received.

The article states that club personnel who during a match intentionally beat, kick, elbow, and other physical violence, both as the initiator and retaliation against fellow players, coaches, managers, officials, IBL, and spectators/supporters in IBL activities can be expelled from the match, subject to a ban on accompanying a minimum of 5 (five) matches and a minimum fine of IDR 20 million.

Even though the beating, kicking, elbowing or other forms of physical violence are not visible to the referee, but can be seen through video recordings, the personnel concerned will still be subject to sanctions and fines. Similar sanctions and fines will also be imposed if physical violence is committed outside the match.

In that match, RANS PIK Basketball managed to beat Prawira with a score, 66-55. This is their fifth straight win.

So far, Rans PIK has not suffered a defeat since the IBL was resumed in Jakarta on March 3. Next, they will face Dewa United on Friday, March 11 today.