Mawar AFI Wants To Get Married Again

JAKARTA - Mawar AFI's ex-husband, Steno Ricardo has remarried with their former babysitter, Susi. The marriage took place a month after the divorce. Mawar admitted that she was disappointed and surprised because she never knew what had happened between Steno and Susi.

"To this day, I'm still in shock, sometimes I wake up still, 'Is this true?', it's still like that," said Mawar to Maia Estianty on the YouTube channel MAIA ALELDUL TV quoted Thursday, March 10.

Although shocked, Mawar did not seem traumatized by the incident. Even the 36-year-old singer admits that he wants to remarry if one day he finds a suitable partner for him and his three children.

"Currently, we are still focusing on children in the future. But it is possible if someone can love children, prioritize my child, they want to marry again," said Mawar AFI.

Reflecting on her experience, Mawar AFI is looking for a potential husband who is not adventurous, who can love her children and be a complement to her ex-husband's shortcomings.

"Still, for me, the mother and father continue to be supposed to fill the deficiencies that exist in the mother and biological father. Completing, not replacing," said Mawar.

"I want my divorce not to make my children less affectionate from their parents, but to increase. What used to be two is now four, it's getting busier," hoped Mawar AFI.