Baznas Strengthen Digital System To Improve Trust
SAMARINDA - The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) held training on the use of the SiMBA application (Baznas Management Information System) for leaders and staff of provincial and district/city Baznas in the local area.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Baznas Kaltim M. Jauhar Efendi appreciated the ranks of Baznas Kaltim for taking steps to improve administration to increase the trust of muzaki.
"This is a form of adaptation of Baznas in optimizing digitalization to maximize and strengthen zakat. Because the potential for zakat is very large, it will be maximized if we can take advantage of the digital sector which will have an impact on benefiting many people," he said in an official statement received in Samarinda, Friday, March 4.
He also appreciated the instructor's willingness to come to East Kalimantan.
He hoped that the instructor's attention should be greater for East Kalimantan than other provinces, considering East Kalimantan in the future as the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.
“I hope the participants can follow the training well. After receiving the material, they can work even more optimally. Equally important, using the SiMBA application, financial management is more transparent, accountable, and timely, and it is easy to control mustahik who have or have never received assistance," he said.
Head of Baznas Kaltim Achmad Nabhan conveyed that the training target was attended by 35 participants, consisting of leaders and staff of provincial and district/city Baznas.
The SiMBA application is a system developed for the purpose of storing data and information owned by Baznas and reaching national data.
"This training is to improve the ability of Baznas amil throughout East Kalimantan in using the SiMBA application so as to improve the quality of transaction recording, both collection and distribution of zakat, infaq, and alms funds throughout East Kalimantan," he said.
Member of the Supervisory Board of East Kalimantan Baznas Mohammad Kurniawan hopes that the results of the SiMBA application training will be immediately actualized with data that already exists in each provincial and district/city Baznas for the current period or the previous year.
"In order to see the inputted output. And quickly find a solution if there are problems and obstacles by competent sources," he said.