Predicted To Win Custody Of Sons Of Vnessa Angel And Aunt, H. Faisal Satisfied

JAKARTA - The trial for the custody of Gala Sky, the son of the late couple Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah was held at the District Court, West Jakarta. This trial presented two expert witnesses of Islamic law, Dr. Nurul Irfan and Dr. Arafah.

"My friends and I were given a message by the judge that the essence of the expert's statement can be asked to his publicist, we are not allowed to share the testimony of expert witnesses," said attorney H. Faisal, launching Paragram Official on the same day.

"I am quite satisfied, there are no problems, God willing, as expected, (Winning) is the judge's domain," said H. Faisal.

They do not want to explain developments and expert witness statements regarding the current case. On the other hand, Dr. Arafah as an expert witness from the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta explained the legal facts regarding the Gala Sky.

"So if the mother and father are not present, the lineage is drawn to the father's family and so on up," said Dr. Arafah.

According to Dr. So far, Arafah's custody of Gala Sky has the right to fall into the hands of the H. Faisal family because it is in accordance with her lineage or lineage.

"From the point of view of the existing cases, the right and responsibility for guardianship and care rest with the father's family," explained Dr. Arafah.

Thus, Dr. Arafah cannot predict whether H. Faisal's family will win guardianship rights, inheritance rights and Gala Sky custody rights.