2 Districts In Pamekasan Still Submerged By Floods

PAMEKASAN - Floods caused by overflowing rivers of Kalikloang and Kalisemajid still inundate two sub-districts, namely Pamekasan District and Pademawu District.

"Three other sub-districts, namely Palengaan, Proppo, and parts of Galis sub-district, have now receded. Only these two sub-districts have not yet", said the Coordinator of the Rapid Response Team (TRC) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Pamekasan Regency, Budi Cahyono, Wednesday, March 2.

Floods in Palengaan Sub-district inundated Palengaan Daja Village, Romboh Village, and Kacok Village.

In Proppo Subdistrict, flooding occurred in Samiran Village and Kodik Village, while in Galis Subdistrict, it occurred in Polagan Village, Konang Village and Galis Village.

"Based on the latest reports from field officers, the floods in the three sub-districts have receded until this afternoon, and those that haven't are only in two sub-districts, namely Pamekasan District and Pademawu District", said Budi.

Previously, the BPBD of the Pamekasan Regency Government noted that the total number of residents affected by flooding in the five sub-districts was 6,329 families (KK). Each in Jungcangcang Village, Patemon, Parteker, Barurambat, Kanginan Village, then Laden Village, Nyalabuh Laok Village, Samiran and Kodik Village.

Currently, those affected by the flood live in the Villages of Jungcangcang, Patemon, Parteker, Barurambat, Gladak Anyar, Kanginan Village, Laden Village, Lemper and Sumedangan Village, Pademawu District.

In Jungcangcang Village there are 2,316 families, Patemon 1,226 families. Parteker 912 KK, Barurambat 300 KK, Gladak Anyar 30 KK, and 600 KK in Kanginan Village.

Furthermore, in Laden Village there are 800 families, including 15 families in Pademawu District, so that the number of affected families remains at 3,883.

"And among these affected locations, the most severely affected at this time is in Sumedangan Village, Pademawu District, even there it is reported that there are still residents trapped in the flood. Officers are still evacuating using rubber boats", he explained.

Meanwhile, based on the records of the Pamekasan BPBD, the flood that hit Pamekasan this time was the fifth flood in the last two months.

In early January 2022, floods hit two sub-districts in Pamekasan Regency, namely Pamekasan and Pademawu Districts. Meanwhile, on February 10, floods hit residential areas in Kolpajung Village due to heavy rains accompanied by strong winds.

The next flood occurred on February 11 in Gladak Anyar Village, then on February 26 the flood also inundated the village in Patemon Village.

Floods are one type of disaster that often occurs in Pamekasan during the rainy season like today.

Other disasters that often occur are landslides, strong winds, and hurricanes.