Health Office: Spread Of COVID-19 In Solo Expands To Health Workers

SOLO - The Health Service stated that the spread of COVID-19 in Solo City, Central Java has spread to health workers so that it has an impact on less than optimal services to the community.

Head of the Surakarta City Health Office (DKK), Siti Wahyuningsih, said of the 17 health centers in Solo, only two of them had no COVID-19 cases detected.

Furthermore, from each health center, the number of health workers exposed is in the range of 4-5 people. In fact, one of them has recorded dozens of positive cases of COVID-19 in health workers.

This figure, she said, does not include health workers who work in hospitals. According to the information she obtained, there were dozens of health workers who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 at a private hospital in Solo.

"There are also Health Service employees, meaning that the number of health workers exposed is increasing, our services are disrupted, both vaccinations and services because the number of patients has also increased", she said, quoted by Antara on Tuesday, February 22.

Moreover, she said, currently many cough and cold patients seek treatment at the public health center. Cough and cold symptoms are some of the basic symptoms of the new variant of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, despite getting a lot of burden due to many health workers exposed to COVID-19, his party ensures that health services at the public health center continue to run. However, the service is not running optimally.

"Unless the situation is urgent, we will close the service. So far, we are still running. However, there are auxiliary health centers that we have closed because the people are running out. We will close the vaccination service and we will transfer the health services to the main health center", said Siti Wahyuningsih.