PDIP Supports Suharto's Proposal, Bung Karno And Hatta's Personal Doctors Become National Heroes

JAKARTA - The PDI-P supports the awarding of the title of national hero to President Soekarno and Vice President Mohammad Hatta, Suharto's personal doctor.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto in the National Seminar on Proposing National Hero Candidates which was held in a hybrid manner today, Tuesday, February 22. He said PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri supported the awarding of the hero title.

"Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri in particular gave her full support for efforts to fight for Doctor Suharto as our national hero," Hasto said, quoted from his written statement.

Hasto said that Suharto's example as a personal doctor for the proclaimer was extraordinary and was often not revealed. "Because he is a humble person, a figure who is trusted by Bung Karno to become a personal doctor, bodyguard, special envoy to carry out various strategic positions," he said.

He also revealed that Suharto had not only acted as Soekarno's personal doctor but also often became a discussion partner. In fact, Hasto said that Suharto often carried out secret tasks from Bung Karno.

"There is no doubt about his pioneering role in the struggle for independence since Jong Java, Jong Ambon. Then his involvement as a historical actor in the Indonesia Club, participated in the Youth Pledge, then after independence when the Declaration Number X was proclaimed, he was also active in rebuilding the Indonesian National Party," he said.

In addition, during the seconds of the proclamation, Hasto said that Suharto's doctor played a role in helping Sukarno's health recovery due to malaria.

"He was also involved in the consolidation of the state, including arranging meetings with national figures such as Tan Malaka and various other figures who became an inspiration for Bung Karno in dealing with difficult situations, which were not easy, as well as being a special envoy to meet with very special people. important in Bung Karno's entire struggle," he said.

With these various roles, Doctor Soeharto called Hasto as a key witness in designing Indonesian independence. Moreover, he has acted as a diplomat and understands the issue and his communication skills are unquestionable.

"His ability to mobilize when Jakarta was in a critical situation due to the arrival of Allied troops accompanied by Dutch troops, he carried out excellent political communications with the leadership of the Allied Commander, especially those from India," he explained.

"Here, Doctor Suharto is an important witness to Bung Karno's attitude which always emphasizes the unity and integrity of the nation by emphasizing the importance of using Japanese power in dealing with the Dutch who supported the Allies," added Hasto.

Confirming Hasto's statement, member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Sidarto Danusubroto said that Suharto's doctor had indeed helped President Soekarno a lot. The assistance is not only related to health but also often carries out special tasks.

"I happened to be an aide to President Soekarno after Super Semar. What I heard from Bung Karno when he was detained at Wisma Yaso, I heard from Bung Karno myself that Dr. Suharto was one of my beliefs before independence and was already independent," said Sidarto in the same event.

Sidarto continued that it would be inconceivable if there was no doctor Suharto beside Bung Karno. Ahead of independence, malaria was quite popular, including attacking Sidarto. The former chairman of the MPR RI also said that he had suffered from malaria and felt a very strong pain. Bung Karno also experienced the disease.

"Bung Karno had a malarial fever. A Bung Karno was exhausted before the Proclamation had to be assisted by a Dr. Suharto to be able to read the text of the proclamation that we remember until now," he concluded.