Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X: Handling The Scarcity Of Cooking Oil Is The Central Obligation
YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, said he could not intervene in the scarcity of cooking oil in his region because it was the responsibility of the central government.
"Yes, you can't (intervention) is the responsibility of the central government", said Sultan HB X at the Kepatihan complex, Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara, Monday, February 21.
The DI Yogyakarta local government, said Sultan, can only oversee and ensure the implementation in the field runs smoothly.
"If the handling is Jakarta's policy, I don't understand that", he said.
However, if the scarcity is due to hoarding, the Sultan asks the perpetrators to be arrested immediately.
"If someone is hoarding it clearly violates the law, just arrest him, it's a crime", he said.
Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the DI Yogyakarta Regional Police, Commissioner Yuliyanto, said the DI Yogyakarta Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation Police had intensified monitoring of the availability of cooking oil in traditional markets to ensure there was no hoarding.
In addition to monitoring the stock of cooking oil in the market, the police also conducted inspections at several warehouse locations for cooking oil distributors in DI Yogyakarta.
Disperindag DI Yogyakarta last week said that 250 tons of cooking oil were disbursed by the central government for traditional market traders in DI Yogyakarta.
The cooking oil distributed through distributors is sold to traders at prices below the highest retail price (HET).