Study Results: Natural Gas Attracts Public Interests In Using Natural Gas

JAKARTA - The government is targeting the construction of 4 million natural gas network connections for households by 2024. This target is also in line with the public's interest in using clean energy.

The Research Team of the Research Center for the Study of Increasing Oil and Gas Acquisition FTKE Trisakti University Andry Prima said, based on the research results, some people agreed with the city gas installation as long as they received subsidies. Others agreed, if it was cheaper than gas cylinder gas. So there are savings benefits from changing household fuels.

"Residents hope to save on the cost of LPG that has been used so far. What they feel so far, although it is cheap to use LPG, they still hope that energy can be more economical," said Andry, in an FGD with FTKE Trisakti University, Friday, February 18.

According to Andry, city gas is a cheap energy solution so that it can help ease the economic burden that people have been feeling.

"From this research, residents already understand the benefits of city gas," he said.

Meanwhile, PGN's Director of Infrastructure and Technology, Achmad Muchtasyar, said that city gas can be an energy solution that is more environmentally friendly and economical. Jargas has a more economical value when compared to macroeconomically with LPG, which 60 percent is still imported.

"The advantage of natural gas is that if we compare it in terms of price, we compare natural gas with 12 kg LPG. Given that the units are different, we immediately tested it practically to boil 10 liters of water. So the cost of using gas was Rp. 1,688. However, to boil water with a volume of the same, requires IDR 2,095 using 12 kg LPG," said Achmad.

In this comparison, natural gas uses a price of IDR 10,000 per m3 and 12 kg LPG for 187,674 per cylinder. 12 kg LPG is used as a reference, because 12 kg LPG is not subsidized energy, so the comparison can be equal. Considering that the 3 kg LPG is a subsidized energy targeting people with low economic capacity.

"Jargas or citygas is a civilization or lifestyle, so the existence of jargas shows that civilization has increased," he added.

PGN, as the holder of the mandate to realize the target of building 4 million natural gas network connections for households, will develop massive gas networks.

"Natural gas is one of the cleanest options, before there will be EBT, the development of which is still quite time-consuming, maybe 20 years. So, the role of gas is as a clean transitional energy that fulfills the current global lifestyle," said Achmad.

According to him, support from various parties is also needed for PGN to be able to realize the target of 4 million SR in 2024, including gas allocation in the long term, gas selling prices that reach an economical price, alignment with the electric stove program and subsidized LPG distribution, as well as support in facilitating the licensing process. .

"Some people view that gas grids are something of luxury. Even though they are part of the utility of the community's needs. It makes no difference how people need electricity or water. Gas grid development can also open up an investment opportunity, for investors because it is related to energy sustainability," explained Achmad .

PGN will use an infrastructure scheme, both pipeline and non-pipeline (CNG/LNG) to achieve this target. Assignments related to the construction of gas lines have been fully regulated and fully supported by the government, so that infrastructure is a vital object, so all parties need to support the implementation of this jargas.