Broken Tire, Overturned Microbus On Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, 8 Injured

SERANG – Daihatsu Microbus with number B 1409 WT had a single accident on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road KM 52,000 A towards Merak, Tuesday, February 15, at around 17.00 western Indonesia time. The car driven by the driver with the initials WH (37) is suspected of having a tire burst, causing it to roll over to the side of the road.

Traffic Corps Director of Banten Police, Grand Commissioner Pol Budi Mulyanto confirmed the incident.

"It is true that there has been an overturned car traffic accident on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road on Tuesday afternoon at 17.00 western Indonesia time, allegedly due to a tire burst which caused the vehicle to crash and overturn," explained Budi, Tuesday, February 15.

Police officers regulate traffic at the crash site of a microbus car/Photo: Doc. Banten Police

Budi explained that when the victim's vehicle had a blown tire, the driver could not control the vehicle. Then, continued Budi, the vehicle went out of control and overturned on an incline.

"Before the incident, the microbus, which contained eight people, including the driver, was walking from Tangerang to Merak in lane three. However, upon arrival at the scene, the right rear tire burst, then the vehicle went out of control and overturned in lane one with the end position tilted to the left wheel facing south," explained Budi.

As a result of this accident, the passengers and the driver were injured, and were immediately evacuated to Sari Asih Hospital, Serang.

"As a result of this accident, two people were seriously injured, namely DS(41) passenger and WH(37) who was the driver. Then there were six people with minor injuries, namely TA(11), ML(56), SV(14), DP(34 ), MR(16), and SF(13), all of them are passengers of the microbus," added Budi.