Makassar BPBD Sprays City Hall Office With Disinfectant

MAKASSAR - The Makassar City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) sprayed disinfectant at the Makassar City Hall Office, South Sulawesi in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 whose cases have increased again, including the infection of Makassar Mayor Moh Ramdhan Pomanto.

"Today, Makassar City BPBD is spraying disinfectant on floors 1 to 11, then also at the museum building," said Head of BPBD Makassar A Hendra Hakamuddin in Makassar, Thursday 10 February.

He said that the spraying of disinfectants was a response to the current high number of COVID-19 cases, based on the latest data from the COVID-19 Task Force.

So, he said, the BPBD will also schedule to target the joint service building on Tuesday (15/2) and the Teduh Bersinar complex.

"This activity is to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 variant, which according to current data continues to increase. This is our effort so that offices and service buildings within the Makassar City Government can be free from COVID-19," said A Hendra Hakamuddin.

Previously, it was known that a number of officials within the Makassar City Government were exposed to COVID-19, including the Mayor of Makassar Moh Ramdhan Pomanto who tested positive for COVID-19.

Danny Pomanto as he is known, announced that he was exposed to COVID-19 after carrying out a PCR swab test for mild symptoms he felt earlier this week and is currently self-isolating at his private residence.