Mr. Anies Baswedan, Formula E Event Is Strange, Unclear And Odd, PDIP Asks To Postpone First

JAKARTA - Member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD Gilbert Simanjuntak suggested that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan postpone the implementation of Formula E. Formula E is planned to be held on June 4, 2022.

This is because this member of Commission B of the DKI DPRD considers that there are many processes and stages of implementing Formula E which are not clear, and can even be said to be odd.

"The governor should postpone the implementation of Formula E, which is clearly a loser and is increasingly losing money with the current poor preparation. The governor is pushing this Formula E event too much," Gilbert said in a statement, Monday, February 7.

Gilbert reveals the oddities that appear in the plan for this electric car racing event. He said that at this time there was no explanation on who the sponsor was and the costs involved in organizing Formula E.

Then about the tender for the construction of the circuit. PT Jakarta Propertindo, as the DKI BUMD that organizes Formula E, has not yet explained about the failed tender auction.

Then, the participants returned to the tender, so that PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk was chosen as the winner in the re-tender. Jaya Construction is a subsidiary of the DKI Jakarta BUMD Jaya Group.

Gilbert said that Jaya Konstruksi in September 2021 reported a loss of Rp 90 billion. "As a listed company, it is impossible to disburse Rp 50 billion of company funds for free for the construction of the circuit, of course there are concessions," said Gilbert.

This means, according to Gilbert, the development funds could come from Jakpro, which has already spent Rp70 billion for Formula E without it being clear how they will manage or return it.

Not to mention, the current tender is only limited to asphalting, meaning that the construction of the line must run first and has not yet been carried out. "Jakpro's work plan is getting unclear and increasingly unprofessional," he added.