Last Day Of Extension Of PPKM Level 2, COVID-19 Isolation Beds In Jakarta Filled With 56 Percent

JAKARTA - Today the implementation of Level 2 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta ends and will be extended by the government.

Based on the records of the DKI Provincial Government, the occupancy of the isolation beds for COVID-19 patients or the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) is already above 50 percent or occupied by 2,426 out of 4,361 beds.

"So, from the data we received, the BOR was 56 percent. The previous day it was 54 percent. Now it's increasing again," said Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria to reporters, Monday, January 31.

Meanwhile, ICU BOR from 140 COVID-19 referral hospitals in Jakarta was 19 percent. Of the 611 beds prepared, 152 ICU beds have been used at this time.

To deal with the increasing number of COVID-19 cases being treated, Riza said the DKI Provincial Government will increase the capacity of health services.

"DKI is always ready. We are ready to add health facilities, such as at the peak of July-August 2021. Thank God, DKI can quickly prepare before there is an increase, we are also ready to improve," he explained.

As of January 30, there were 4,580 active cases in Jakarta, bringing the total number of active cases to 27,977 people who are still being treated or isolated.

There are a total of 908,093 positive cases of COVID-19. Of the total number of positive cases, a total of 866,477 people were declared cured with a cure rate of 95.4 percent and a total of 13,639 people died with a mortality rate of 1.5 percent.

The positivity rate or the percentage of positive cases in the last week in Jakarta was 14.5 percent, while the percentage of positive cases since the beginning of the pandemic was 10.9 percent.

Especially for the Omicron variant, cases in the capital city have reached 2,892 infected people. The details, as many as 1,581 people are foreign travelers and 1,311 are cases of local transmission.