Bogor Regent Asks Citizens To Be Alert Because COVID-19 Reaches 339 Per Day

BOGOR - Bogor Regent and Head of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Ade Yasin, appealed to his citizens to be vigilant because the number of COVID-19 cases has now reached 339 cases per day.

"Today there are 339 new cases recorded. The people of Bogor Regency must be vigilant, postpone traveling if it's not really important," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 28.

Ade Yasin explained that the daily COVID-19 transmission cases in Bogor Regency experienced a sharp spike from January 18-19 2022, to 42 cases and 43 cases, from the previous 2-11 cases per day.

The prevention efforts that have been prepared, he said, include accelerating vaccinations, strengthening the task force, to testing and tracking COVID-19 cases.

The Bogor Regent ensured the readiness of integrated isolation places (isoters), hospitals, health centers, to optimize emergency services at the village level as an effort to prevent the third wave of COVID-19 transmission.

Ade Yasin said of all the COVID-19 cases in Bogor Regency, only one was detected as the Omicron variant, which was suffered by a resident from the Dramaga District on January 6, 2022, and is now negative.

Meanwhile, the Sub Coordinator of Surveillance and Immunization of the Bogor Regency Health Office, Luki Gema Safari, explained that the new positive cases were known from the results of examinations outside the Bogor Regency area.

"The examination was outside the Bogor Regency, but the positive one has a Bogor Regency ID card, so it enters our data. Many are also tracked by the puskesmas, the person concerned has not returned to his ID card address in Bogor, but is domiciled in Jakarta or other places," he said.

The Health Office noted that from the beginning until January 27, 2022 there were 1,218 cases. However, 1,111 people are still undergoing isolation in hospital and self-isolation.