JAKARTA - Ahead of the inauguration of the new president and the end of the term of office of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) for the 2019-2024 period, made an important breakthrough by revoking 3 laws and regulations (TAP) of the MPR against three former Indonesian presidents, namely Ir Soekarno, Suharto, and Abdurrahman Wahid.

Especially for the MPR XXXII/MPRS/1967 regarding President Soekarno, it is one of the MPRS TAP issued in the era of the transition of the Old Order to the New Order. Based on MPR TAP Number 1 of 2003, MPRS TAP 33/1967 is included in the MPRS decision group which is declared no longer valid and no further legal action is needed.

The revocation of the MPR Decree Number XXXII/MPRS/1967 or Tap MPRS 33/1967 concerning the Revocation of State Government Power from President Soekarno. It is evidence that Soekarno has never betrayed the country and protected the PKI, as stated in the consideration of the MPRS' stipulation.

"The decision was certainly welcomed by Soekarno's family, according to Guntur Soekarno Putra, the first child of President Soekarno, his family has waited for 57 years for the decision," he said in his remarks when receiving the letter of revocation of the TAP MPR Number 33 of 1967 to the Bung Karno Family, September 9, 2024.

MPRS's Decree 33/1967 was published as a form of political response after the crisis situation of the G30S/PKI incident in 1965. In this incident, President Soekarno was deemed unable to control the situation, and there was strong political pressure from the military, led by General Suharto.

So that MPRS in front of the MPRS IV General Session on June 22, 1966 held President Soekarno accountable as the MPRS mandater. Soekarno answered with his speech known as 'Nawaksara'.

However, the speech was felt to have not answered the problem. So on March 12, 1967, they issued MPRS Decree No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967 concerning the Revocation of State Government Power from President Soekarno.

The refusal of the president's speech ended Soekarno's reign at that time. And marking the legal basis for Suharto's rise as de facto leader and then becoming definitive president in 1968. President Soekarno himself finally under house arrest until finally his death in June 1970.

Controversy also continues to emerge from parties experiencing trauma to the atrocities of the PKI. So that Tap 33/1967 remains entrenched for up to 57 years. Since then, Soekarno's efforts to restore the good name have not been restored, despite changing times. Various historical books have recorded Soekarno's role as a proclaimer, fighter and diplomatic role as a leader of the nation in early independence and after.

Efforts to restore Soekarno's good name as the proclaimer of the nation. In 1986, President Soeharto gave the title of Hero of the Proclaimer to Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta through Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 81 of 1986.

Then, in 2012, based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 83 / TK / Year 2012, Soekarno was awarded the title of national hero by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The title of national hero was awarded on November 7, 2012, received by the Soekarno family, Guntur Soekarnoputra

Until finally there was a decision No. 1/2003 which stated that the MPRS' stipulation was not valid. The status of the revocation of the MPRS Tap was officially confirmed by the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) after the Prabowo-Gibran administration was formed. Bamsoet took steps to revoke Tap 33/1967 at the same time to answer the letter from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Supratman Andi Agtas, dated August 13, 2024 regarding the Follow-up to the Implementation of TAP MPRS Number XXXIII/MPRS/1967.

The Reasons Behind The Revocation Of The XXXIII/1967 MPRS Tap

The revocation of the XXXIII/1967 MPRS Tap was driven by the desire to carry out national reconciliation, especially in the context of the rehabilitation of President Soekarno's good name. Since the reform period, the voices demanding the removal of this Tap have strengthened. Soekarno is considered a proclaimer figure who has contributed greatly to the nation, and this Tap is seen as a form of negative labeling against him. The process of lifting was initiated by the administration of President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur).

However, the revocation of Tap is not only a matter of rehabilitation of Soekarno's name. There is also an element of political pragmatism involved. The government wants to show that they support efforts to restore the dignity of national figures who have contributed to Indonesia's independence. In addition, this revocation is also related to efforts to improve the political image of the government by embracing Soekarno's support.

Legally, the repeal of MPRS Tap 33/1967 was carried out by the MPR at the 2003 Annual Session through MPR Decree No. I/MPR/2003 concerning Review of the Materials and Legal Status of MPRS and MPR from 1960 to 2002. This stipulation reviewed various legal products of MPRS and MPR previously and revoked several provisions that were deemed irrelevant, including the MPRS XXXIII/1967. With the repeal, this MPRS Tap no longer has binding legal force.

This revocation also restores President Soekarno's legal and moral status, which is officially no longer given a negative stigma as stated in the MPRS XXXIII/1967 Tap.

Merengkuh Megawati's Efforts To The Coalition

In the latest political context, the revocation of Tap has strategic implications. Symbolically, this step is part of an effort to reconstruct a more inclusive national historical narrative and strengthen the political legitimacy of national figures from various backgrounds. The revocation of Tap is seen as an effort to ease ideological tension between groups.

The revocation of Tap MPR 33/1967, according to the Chairman of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Muhammad Isnur, the problem is not only about the revocation of the decree but about the disclosure of the truth. So the validity is reflected by rewriting the history of Soekarno.

In fact, he suspected that this was a form of communication at the elite level only and had no impact on efforts to reveal the truth, the analysis of history, science and education. through Supersemar.

"Because this is a political moment, this should not only be a compromise between elites for chairs," Isnur told Voi, September 30.

This step is also considered as an effort by the elected president Prabowo who wants to get support from many parties during his reign. Apart from the agreement, it will not tamper with the MD3 Law (MPR, DPR and DPD) where the winning party for the legislative election is entitled to the chairman of the DPR and now with the revocation of the MPRS Tap 33/1967. Perhaps this is part of Megawati's'memorizing' and PDIP joining the coalition.

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