JAKARTA - It is known that for years this country has supported Israel's funding, especially for defense purposes. Based on data from The Congressional Research Service (CRS), it is stated that America's routine budget commitment to Israel is worth US$3.8 billion each year. The commitment was approved by Barack Obama from 2016 to 2028 or a total of IDR 55 trillion. That figure increased from the George Bush era, totaling US$30 billion for a decade.

The aid funds were disbursed in the form of military assistance. The funds were spent, among other things, for the purchase of F-35 fighter jets and Pegasus aircraft and Israeli weapons equipment such as anti-missile missiles (iron domes) which are operated to ward off rocket attacks.

The reason America disbursed funds to Israel was intended to ensure that Israel was safe enough to take the steps necessary to reach a peace agreement with Palestine. Also ensuring that Israel can defend itself against threats in the region in accordance with American foreign policy.

However, this pretext was seen by some of the international public and the Arab world as the funds being used by Israel to fight and oppress Palestinians who wanted independence.

Why did America do that? So far, Israel has been considered an important partner for America and must be maintained. In addition to historical considerations, where the history of the Cold War (1947-1991) between America and the Soviet Union. America made Israel a base for American defense in the Middle East to stem the influence of the Communists at that time (the Soviet Union) from spreading further.

For the current conditions, Israel's existence is also still considered important for America. Israel is the center of American defense in the region, although America also places its military power in many places in the region.

Also to maintain American economic interests in the region. We know that there are many American business entities in the region. In addition to American interests in controlling the supply of energy and oil sources from the Middle East. Such as the existence of ARAMCO, an Arab American joint venture oil company.

The Middle East is an important market for American goods and services, especially military hardware. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said that 38% of US arms exports are destined for the Middle East. Such as to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, including Israel is the country's largest export recipient.

Because of Israel's strategic value, America continues to provide support. Although there is a lot of international criticism of the relationship. Criticism has recently also strengthened in the American public itself. Especially after the killing of civilians by attacks carried out by Israeli soldiers, even accused of being an act of genocide.

A recent poll showed that the majority of US citizens do not approve of Israel's actions in Gaza. It is known that Israel's actions in attacking Gaza to kill the Hamas militia have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians and created a hunger crisis.

A Gallup poll released last March found that 55 percent of respondents disapproved of Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip. Among Democratic voters, the percentage was even higher, 75 percent of respondents viewed Israel's actions negatively.

Benyamin Netanyahu's visit to the US Parliament on July 24 at the invitation of the US House of Representatives Speaker was marked by a boycott by half of the Democratic congressmen. Netanyahu's visit was also marked by demonstrations and public protests by supporters of Palestine.

A Middle East observer from the University of Indonesia, Yon Machmudi, assessed that Netanyahu's visit to the US Congress was to ensure that America's support for Israel was still the same as before. Netanyahu's visit was to seek confirmation of support from the two American presidential candidates for Israel.

Because Netanyahu saw that lately Western support, especially the US, was getting dimmer. The indication was seen from the US's attitude of abstaining from the UN resolution on the demand for a ceasefire for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and war. Where America often vetoes UN decisions on the Israeli issue. "Netanyahu read this as a sign of weakening American support for Israel," said Yon, when met by Voi at his residence in Depok, Saturday, July 27.

Israel dan Amerika Serikat (Antara)
Israel and the United States (Antara)

Another problem is the American political constellation, with Biden's resignation and Kamala Harris as his replacement. So far, Biden has been known to be a friend of Israel. With this change, Israel must seek confirmation of the stance of the candidate Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Netanyahu wants to get certainty of their support. Although Biden has assured Netanyahu that whoever the president is, America will continue to support Israel.

If you read the behavior of these two candidates, Trump, even though he stated that he supports Israel. It is seen as having a grudge against Netanyahu because Netanyahu congratulated Biden on his election, at a time when Trump was still questioning Biden's victory. Although Israel has tried to improve the relationship. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has been known to be a harsh critic of Israel.

This decade can be said to be a difficult time for Netanyahu. In addition to needing certainty of support from America and European countries, recently Netanyahu has also faced pressure from within Israel. Criticism of his current leadership has emerged a lot, even calls for him to resign have been voiced.

Based on the results of the Poll, it is known that 66 percent of Israelis reportedly want Netanyahu to retire from politics. Two-thirds of Israelis currently want Prime Minister Netanyahu to leave politics and not run for a new term.

Israeli Minister Avigdor Lieberman even predicted that the state of Israel would experience collapse and destruction if Netanyahu was still leading it until 2026. Avigdor made the threatening criticism referring to the October 7 attack on Israel. Netanyahu was considered to have failed to protect Israeli citizens.

Demonstrasi untuk Gaza
Demonstration for Gaza

Netanyahu is also considered to only focus on maintaining his power without caring about the country. Therefore, he urged Netanyahu to be overthrown. Similar dissenting voices began to grow in his country, not only from civilians. But also from among his party coalition.

On the other hand, the International Criminal Court (ICC) called for an arrest warrant for Netanyahu. The reason is as a war criminal against humanity, because of the war in Gaza. In addition to the strengthening of criticism from within the country, Netanyahu also faces the accusation.

"So his arrival in America yesterday went directly to an American airport without stopping at another airport. Because he was afraid of being arrested because if he entered another country's territory. Related to the international court order that considers Netanyahu a war criminal," said Yon.

Beijing Declaration Becomes Key to Unifying Palestinian Factions

Facing the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, various institutions try to find a solution. The UN often offers a permanent solution, often facing an American veto that seems to protect Israel. So that the world institution often fails to execute decisions.

Recently, China as a world dominant power has started to play a role by gathering factions in Palestine to agree. Both Hamas and Fatah were present. Until a declaration called the Beijing Declaration was formed. Which agreed to the formation of Palestinian national unity, so far there has been hostility between Hamas and Fatah.

Hamas, which has a hard revolutionary character, has been labeled a terrorist. While Fattah is a softer faction and can be invited to cooperate, especially with Israel and America. .

The unification of factions within Palestine also has an impact on Israel. Palestine is increasingly strong in resisting Israel. Palestine is also getting closer to its independence which has been tried to be blocked by Israel and its supporting countries. *

The Beijing Declaration Becomes the Key to Unifying Palestinian Factions

Facing the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, various institutions try to find a solution. The UN often offers a permanent solution, often facing an American veto that seems to protect Israel. So that the world institution often fails to execute decisions.

Recently, China, which is one of the dominant powers, has started to play a role by gathering factions in Palestine to agree. Present on the side of Hamas and Fatah. Until a Declaration was formed with the name Beijing Declaration. Which agreed to the formation of Palestinian national unity, so far there has been competition between Hamas and Fatah.

Hamas, which has a hard revolutionary character, has been labeled a terrorist. Meanwhile, Fattah is a softer faction and can be invited to cooperate, especially with Israel and America. In fact, Fattah was once revolutionary when he was still under Yasser Arafat with his PLO. Now they can be invited to cooperate with Israel.

The unification of factions within Palestine also has an impact on Israel. Palestine is increasingly strong in resisting Israel. Palestine is also getting closer to its independence, which Israel and its supporting countries have tried to block.

Various efforts have been made to resolve the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. However, this path often meets a road because one party does not agree.

President Jokowi stated that he condemned the acts of violence and war that occurred in the conflict area and asked for it to be stopped immediately in order to avoid more victims. He believes that the conflict between the two countries can be resolved with parameters and provisions that have been agreed upon by the UN

Meanwhile, the President of the United States (US) Joe Biden actually believes that the Israel-Palestine conflict can be resolved with a two-state solution. or two-state solution. The two-state solution is the only way to guarantee long-term security for the people of Israel and Palestine. also to ensure that Israelis and Palestinians live in freedom and equal dignity, he said as expressed through his social media. This solution was actually initiated by the Peel Commission in 1937.

Visit to Israel Results in Criticism

Lima kader Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) bertemu dengan Presiden Israel, Isaac Herzog. (Istimewa)
Five Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cadres met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog. (Special)

Five young Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figures visited Israel last week. They met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog. This visit provoked a reaction from the NU Executive Board because it was considered to have hurt the feelings of Muslims. The five young men were Zainul Maarif, Munawir Aziz, Sukron Makmun, Nurul Bahrul Ulum, and Izzah Annafisah Dania. They were lecturers at Unusia (Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia), one from the Bahtsul Masail members, PCI secretary in England, two from Pagar Nusa, and two from Fatayat.

According to the Secretary General of PBNU, Saifullah Yusuf, the departure of the young men was without the approval and mandate of PBNU. His party will summon the person concerned to ask for information on the purpose, background and who invited them. The General Chairperson will specifically summon the autonomous body/institution of the young men. If violations are found later, they will be prosecuted through a meeting or by the direction of the PBNU Chairperson.

According to the explanation of KH Syamsul Maarif, the Head of PWNU DKI Jakarta, this is a network of student groups abroad, who have personal relationships. Reportedly there is an NJO who is indeed an Israeli agent, they do have political interests to build Israel's political image. According to Samsul, they often visit organizations or figures that have big names, such as NU. According to him, these young people become victims because of their lack of understanding, so they take the wrong steps and are said to be fatal, "We apologize and ask for their forgiveness." said Syamsul.

Meanwhile, according to Hikmahanto, there are indeed many efforts by Israelis to make this approach, to approach institutions, figures or people who have influence. So that Israel gets legitimacy from the Indonesian people. This is called a people to people effort, approaching people to come to Israel to see and listen to the Israeli president, so that they get the impression that Israel is not like what Indonesians generally imagine.

Indeed, there are also people who are invited to Israel, some of whom remain focused on conveying their views on Israel. The question in a situation like this is, who is exploiting whom? So Hikmahanto said to be careful if there is an invitation like this, he said.

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