JAKARTA - Israel's aggression in Palestine continues despite international condemnation. In fact, when the International Court labeled the aggression as a human rights crime and ordered the arrest of high-ranking Israeli officials, the zionist nation continued to launch and expand aggression in Palestine. This makes the suffering of Gazans in Palestine not over. Israel cannot distinguish combatants and non-combatans.

Transiting to wanting to destroy Hamas, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains passionate about carrying out military attacks on civil society, medical personnel in hospitals, and even journalists who are doing their jobs are also victims.

After the October 7, 2023 attack, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) finally read out the provisional measures at the request of South Africa which accused Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. The application submitted by South Africa is an attempt to request temporary action or provisional measures.

"The Court is very aware of the magnitude of the humanitarian tragedy that occurred in the region (Gaza) and is deeply concerned about the continued loss of human lives and suffering," said ICJ Chair Joan E. Donoghue in the ICJ interim decision hearing on claims of South African genocide against Israel in Gaza, Friday (26/1/2024) night.

The interlocutory decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that ordered Israel to prevent genocide against Palestinians and to fix the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has not been heeded. In fact, until now Israel is still carrying out attacks. The pressure of the international community including the United Nations seemed unable to stop Israeli military atrocities. Israel's barbaric actions against Palestinians have not only happened this time, but have been repeated.

Israel's barbarity did not stop there, the country provided weapons to its people who live in the West Bank of Gaza so that they freely pointed a gunnose at Gazans, Palestinians. The impact of Israeli atrocities has left at least 29 thousand dead.

International Relations Expert at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), Hasbi Aswar, said Israel's military operation that took place in Gaza, Palestine since October 7, 2023 was not known when it would end. Israeli authorities have declared war to kill the Hamas group.

"Israel targets all, they do not comply with humanitarian laws that distinguish between combatants and non-combatants," Hasbi said in a National seminar themed "Palestinian", at Gadjah Mada University some time ago.

The cause of Israel's courage to fight international decisions and pressures after profiting from the United States (US). Hasbi noted that since military operations raged in early October 2023 until now the US has provided assistance of US$14 billion to Israel.

Lecturer at the Department of International Law, UGM Faculty of Law, Fajri Matahati Muhammadin, explained that there were 2 legal processes rolling in the ICJ. First, South Africa sued Israel regarding the alleged genocide committed by Israel in Gaza, Palestine. In this case, South Africa and Israel are countries that have ratified the Genocide convention, so that when there is a dispute over the genocide of the settlement process through the ICJ.

The World Needs A Form Of A Humanitarian Coalition For Gaza

International law expert Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana from Jenderal Achmad Yani University said the real solution to ending the war was to form a Coalition for Humanity (Coalition of Humanity).

"I feel it is time for countries in the world to unite and form a humanitarian coalition related to events in Gaza and Israeli military attacks," he told VOI in a written message, Monday, July 29.

Prof. Hikmahanto assessed that Israel's indiscriminate actions to date have caused many casualties, most of which have been experienced by civilians. Ironically, it seems as if the world is helpless, because of the great interests behind Israel like the United States.

"I see this, as if Israel is already above the law. This means that international law is not considered. He feels above the wind because behind him is the United States," said the Professor of International Law at FH University of Indonesia.

Prof. Hikmahanto emphasized that Indonesia had shown its attitude through Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto's statement in Shangri-La Dialogue 2024 in Singapore in early June. He said Prabowo with his firm and loud stance in the main defense forum in Asia was ready to send peacekeepers to Gaza if he received permission from the United Nations. Everything is for the sake of a ceasefire and the termination of the genocide practice in Gaza, Palestine. Prabowo also stated that he was ready to evacuate and care for 1000 Gazans in Indonesian hospitals. So if Indonesia has made something concrete and brave, we hope that other countries will also do the same. And that's what I mean by the Coalition for Humanity.' he said Hikmahanto.

European And Indonesian Continents Recognize Palestine's Independence

The recognition of the country on the European continent of Palestinian independence was mentioned by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto after attending the Gaza Emergency Response Summit in Jordan. The statement was made by Prabowo to President Joko Widodo at the State Palace, Thursday, June 13, 2024. The move was followed by a UN Security Council resolution in support of a ceasefire proposal in the Gaza Strip, announced by US President Joe Biden.

"There will be a continuous influence so that the world opinion represented by each government can stop the Israeli attack on Palestine," said the Indonesian Defense Minister, Prabowo Subianto, who will become eighth president in the next 3 months.

The resolution was adopted by UN DK with 14 votes in support, and only Russia declared abstain. Prabowo firmly said Israel would become the world's outermost country if it did not want to make a ceasefire.

So there is no veto (at that resolution). This is a rare move. So we see there is a result. If Israel doesn't want to impose a ceasefire, maybe Israel will be very isolated in the world," Prabowo said firmly.

The summit specifically discusses humanitarian aid that can be prepared immediately, in anticipation of a ceasefire that is expected to materialize soon. Prabowo emphasized that Indonesia is the only country that is most concrete at the summit that is ready to help Palestinians.

In addition to conveying Indonesia's readiness to evacuate 1,000 Palestinian patients, as well as orphans and trauma in Palestine, Prabowo said Indonesia is ready to send doctors to the Gaza Strip.

"Even if the ceasefire did not materialize, what steps should be taken have been taken to urge both parties to a ceasefire, and to help the Palestinian people in Gaza," he stressed.

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