JAKARTA - Vina's case involved the tragic murder of a pair of teenagers, Muhammad Rizky Rudiana and Vina Dewi Arsita, which took place at the Talun Bridge, Cirebon Regency in August 2016. Eight people were named suspects and were convicted of involvement in the case.

This news has finally become a national concern and has been discussed by many media and social media. The film, produced by Dheeraj Kalwani and directed by Anggy Umbara, became a point point for criminal cases that had been deposited for 8 years and discussed again.

Even various independent parties searches such as Dedi Mulyadi and Reza Indragiri found that the alleged handling of this legal case was not in accordance with the procedure. Most recently, this case became the attention of many parties, including President Joko Widodo, who ordered the case to be resolved and opened wide.

For the attention of the President, the National Police Chief then moved. Last Saturday, the Propam Police Headquarters finally came to the Cirebon Police Headquarters to examine his case and examine the investigators involved at the Cirebon Police. The West Java Police even opened a hotline for people who have information on the Vina case to be able to report and submit complaints.

Former Head of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Kabareskrim Polri) in 2008 - 2009, Susno Duadji assessed that thanks to this film, the murder case might be forgotten by people and then raised again. "It's been 8 years, people still leave work with 3 DPOs, some people are found guilty of being imprisoned. Finally, it was raised again, thanks to this film," he said.

Although a number of people agreed to the presence of this film. There are also parties who do not agree with the presence of this film. Among these protests were filed by the Indonesian Muslim Lawyers Association (Almi) who submitted a report to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police regarding the screening of Vina Film: Before 7 Days. According to the General Chairperson of Almi, Zainal Arifin, the film that raised the incident of Vina's murder drew a lot of controversy.

According to him, the government can withdraw films because it invites a commotion. Vina's film is seen as vulgar because it displays scenes of torture, torture to rape even though Vina was still a minor. Because the allegations contain pornography, pornography, and noise. So we can judge that there is a violation of Article 27 of the ITE Law there," he added.

However, the head of the Film Censorship Institute, Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto, dismissed this assumption. He emphasized that the film has passed the censorship category with a limitation age of 17 years and over. So because there is a limit, parents who watch the film do not bring children under 17 years old to watch. In addition, the film is in the fictional category because at the beginning the filmmaker announced this.

Even though it is based on real events, this film does not fully contain real events but stories coupled with the filmmaker's drama and imagination so that it is a fictional story.

Blessings Of Films Against Vina Case

This is the viral blessing of Vina's case from the owner of this film. Recently, there has even been a movement on social media that encourages the completion of Vina's case, of course accompanied by analysis and assumptions from netizens. Netizens' public often lead to suitable and verified presumptions. There are also those who reveal the identities of the people suspected of being DPO. There is social media limited to presenting content and riding social assistance for Vina's case.

There is also social media that shows mystical broadcasts presenting coverage of spirit summons/qorin to tell about the Vina case. In addition to the serious channel conducting search and investigation of the case, as was done by the former Purwakarta Regent and Member of the House of Representatives Commission VI (2019-2023) with the Youtube channel. Of course, all of these shows add to the hustle and bustle of the news. Later, the accused who were mentioned one by one were forced to appear to provide clarification on the allegations.

But broadly speaking, the emergence of Vina's film and the excitement of social media have raised the murder case of Vina and Eky on August 27, 2016, to this point. Initially, the murder incident dragged 8 suspects handled by the Cirebon City Resort Police and the criminal process by the local court. The court has sentenced 7 defendants to life and one person to 8 years in prison, and sentenced 3 people to DPO.

Today the case almost came to a turning point. Gradually the case was revealed as a case of mishandling, or violating case handling procedures. So that the public urged the police to immediately release 7 people who had been named prisoners and sentenced to life imprisonment. The initial disclosure of the ulcer came from the confession, Saka Tatal, one of the convicts who had just been released after serving 8 years in prison.

A Recognition

He revealed that while in detention, along with 7 other detainees they experienced torture and violence so that investigators received their confessions. They admitted that they could not stand the treatment so that the defendants accepted only when they were sentenced to life imprisonment. Other witnesses have also recently confirmed Saka Tatal's confession, including the Akbar League.

Liga Akbar, who had been a witness at the trial, recently withdrew his testimony because he felt uneasy. The league admitted that his testimony at the trial at that time had been added, not according to the reality he knew and saw. The confession was directed by officers to match the testimony of other witnesses. In fact, according to the League, as confirmed by his lawyer Yudia Alamsyah, his arrival at the Resort Police was originally to clarify a number of evidences belonging to the victim. The witness as a friend of the victim Eky, was the last person to meet before Eky left and was found dead on the Talun Bridge, initially he was reported to be a single accident victim.

At first, the League was asked to recognize the evidence. But finally in the Investigation Report (BAP) also where the story that was originally only about him meeting Eky at high school, was finally asked to do it with the confession of another witness who knew about throwing stones. Even though as far as he knew he met Eky at SMA 4, then they separated. However, at the BAP he was said to have joined Eky to the Talun Bridge, and had confirmed that other witnesses who saw Eky were chased by a group of children hanging out in front of SMA 11, the way of Struggle. According to the League, recently the story made the judge beat the perpetrators.

The eight defendants who later had to serve their sentences were Jaya, Supriyanto, Eka Sandi, Hadi Saputra, Eko Ramadhani, Sudirman, Rivaldi Aditya Wardana, while still in prison. Meanwhile, Saka Tatal, who was sentenced to 8 years, has been released. The West Java Regional Police surprisingly removed two other DPO names after arresting the suspect, Pegi Setiawan alias Perong.

The case of the arrest of Pegi Setiawan based on the DPO from the court's decision was also considered by many irregularities, in addition to the suspect's profile that did not match the previous DPO. The police also suddenly ruled out the whereabouts of 2 other DPOs, for reasons the police were not sure about the existence of the DPO. From the results of discussions, many experts, and the results of searches by many media and netizens were found to have many irregularities and discrepancies in the story and the flow of events. They also cast doubt on the process of proof at the previous trial.

Public Support For Convicts Of Salah Capture

Many have asked the police to report and detain Pegi Setiawan, before the police collect evidence of Pegi's involvement. Because it is strongly suspected that the evidence held by the police is not strong enough to determine Pegi as a suspect.

"Pegi Setiawan, it seems that the victim was in a hurry by the police for reacting to Vina's film. He proposed that the police deponer the case, while looking for evidence and suggesting tracing from the beginning of the Eky and Vina cases while gathering evidence," explained Deolipa's legal practitioner to VOI, Tuesday, June 11.

Responding to the chaos of the case, the Chief of Police's Expert Staff, Inspector General Aryanto Sutadi, said that this case was actually a simple case, there were people who had died, because the victim's parents were not satisfied that he reported the case, then there were parents who happened to be members of the Satnarkoba who then participated in the investigation.

"But I see it like this, the name of the investigation results is the BAP. The BAP submitted by the police will be tested and corrected by the prosecutor, so the BAP is not complete. The prosecutor will ask for it to be completed. If the evidence is not asked for it, then it goes to court, before the trial the judge also examines the BAP, it will be re-arrested by the judge. Is it true that the testimony of the witness and the evidence. And unfortunately in 2016 the judge decided that the 8 suspects were appropriate or proven to have committed the act as alleged," he said.

"Then the film appeared, so there were assumptions that were wild that were different from the contents of the BAP. Coupled with social media noise with assumptions that were continuously developed," he said.

The public finally accused the 2016 court of being a heretical court, the investigators were criticized by experts, their examination and the validity of the evidence were also questioned not using scientific crime investigations, not using CCTV and so on. "Unfortunately so the police don't use scientific investigations. Judge still accept that?" he said.

The chaos of this case, according to Aryanto, is because people receive piecewise information. Each of them defended the party they thought was the right party who contradicted each other. That's why this case seems to be complicated. To clarify the chaos, he suggested that the only way was resolved in court. In 2016 the chaos was resolved in court clarification, finished. Then the current chaos exists because of the film, then there is the DPO, the last three were declared only one.

He proposed to compete with evidence between the police and the suspect's lawyer, the police please collect incriminating evidence. and the lawyer collects information that relieves Pegi, the statement must also go to the BAP as well as evidence including scientific evidence if any.

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