JAKARTA - The bride and groom named Ahdiyat, a resident from Central Kalimantan, South Barito Regency, Jenamas District and a bride named Icha, a resident of Pakuon Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency, West Java. The age of this kind of marriage was short for only a week and finally it was revealed that the groom turned out to be a woman.

Ahdiyat is a woman born in 1996 who migrated to Cianjur. He got to know Icha through social media. Asking each other about the news and finally the two decided to raise it to a more serious level. Ahdiyat, who has short hair, finally came to Icha's family home and expressed his intention to marry his 21-year-old idol.

Icha's parents, Dayat admitted that when they first came to her house, Ahdiyat could not tell her well. According to Dayat, Ahdiyat admitted that his resident's identity card was taken by his mother who opposed his desire to marry his daughter.

"I had expelled him with my son. He could not show his identity and told the origin of his family. He only explained that he was from Kalimantan," said Dayat to VOI, Saturday, December 30.

Although his arrival was rejected by his lover's parents, Ahdiyat's strong determination to marry Icha did not recede. The groom's candidate, who turned out to be the 27-year-old woman, then raised the issue that she was a mining worker who brought enough money to marry her lover. Even though the money used for the marriage capital is the result of a borrow from a neighbor of the prospective bride and groom.

"He keeps trying and coming again by lying to his family, to the point that his wedding fee is borrowed by his neighbors here," said Dayat.

Dayat explained that Ahdiyat's arrival was to express his intention when it first took place in 2021. The man, who is already old at dusk, added that in early November 2023 Ahdiyat came back by explaining that he would settle and work in Cianjur if he was allowed to marry his daughter.

A strong persuasion and seduction and determination of Ahdiyat finally paid off. Ahdiyat was asked with Icha to come together to the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) to get guidance on marriage. Now that everything is revealed, Dayat admits that she is embarrassed and deceived by Ahdiyat's behavior. However, his family will not file a claim to the authorities.

Without A Permanent Identity Reckless And Trying To Bribe KUA

Getting the green light from the parents of the bride-to-be, Ahdiyat, who is actually a woman, is happy. He asked the family of the prospective bride and groom to be married immediately so that his relationship with Icha could be officially husband and recognized by the state. As a result of being too happy, Ahdiyat, who was wearing this hijab, forgot that his real nature was a woman.

The head of the Sukaresmi KUA, Cianjur, Dadang Abdullah, explained that the arrival of the bride and groom to his office was three times. The first was on November 15 to ask what requirements were needed for the second marriage to be legalized by the state.

"Furthermore, on November 17, the two candidates are still asking about the necessary requirements so that they can be officially ratified by the state. And we have explained that what is needed in order to be ratified must show identities such as ID cards and families from the two candidates as well as other supporting documents," said Dadang Abdullah.

Dadang explained that Ahdiyat reasoned that his mother had taken his ID card because he did not agree with the marriage he would undergo.

"When asked, the prospective groom named Ahdiyat still could not show her identity. She reasoned that all her identities were detained by her parents, in this case Ahdiyat's mother, the reason was because the two of them had different beliefs," explained Dadang Abdullah.

And the third arrival was mentioned by Dadang, the family of the bride who was represented by her uncle also asked about the administrative requirements that must be completed by the two brides.

"KUA Sukaresmi officers provide an explanation regarding the requirements for registration or recording of marriage events that must be fulfilled in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Religion Number 20 of 2019 concerning Marriage Registration and other applicable regulations. And our party has given a warning to the bride and groom to help ask for the identity of the prospective groom," said Dadang Abdullah.

Dadang added that Ahdiyat had made an offer by giving a large enough money if he and Icha could officially marry and be recognized by the state.

"He (Ahdiyat-ed) had sent a message and offered some money to our officers to be assisted with the wedding process so that it was officially registered in the country. However, our officers lightly refused an offer from Ahdiyat. Until we heard that the wedding process took place, attended by close family members and religious leaders. Both of them had unregistered marriages," said Dadang Abdullah.

Pakuon Village Head, Abdulah said everyone in his village was deceived by the undercover action of Ahdiyat. He said all village officials had given a ban to the bride and groom before the groom gave her real identity, not to marry her.

"I just don't want my villagers to be deceived for the second time. Because some time ago, there were villagers here who married a man who was also without an identity, who turned out to be a criminal and was being sought by the police," Abdulah told VOI, Sunday, December 31.

Ahdiyat Covers Himself Up Wearing A Loose Shirt

To cover her true identity as a woman, Ahdiyat wore a loose shirt or t-shirt more often. However, the eyes of one of the neighbors of the bride had seen the characteristics only owned by the woman from Ahdiyat's body.

"I saw and was confused, how come there were chest men who stood out like that. And I reported that to the officers at the village head's office. Then it was immediately crowded and everyone was called including the bride and groom and family," said Pri.

Suddenly the report revealed the original identity of Ahdiyat. Starting from village officials, sub-districts to the police called the two brides who had just been married for a week. From the results of the intensive examination, it was known that the groom turned out to be a woman.

"The bride just cried and looked down ashamed while Ahdiyat was silent and kept her head down. Finally, Ahdiyat admitted that he had lied and apologized," said Pri.

Sukaresmi Sub-district Head, Latif Ridwan, when met, said that a similar marriage that was excited in Pakuon Village in mid-December ended with no demands. "Obviously, legally the marriage was illegal. The bride finally chose to separate from her partner and the male bride AH had admitted her mistake by falsifying her gender," he said.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cianjur Police, Inspector One (Iptu) Tono Listianto, said that the same-sex marriage case that occurred yesterday was resolved by means of kinship and deliberation. Ahdiyat's fraudulent actions only falsified his gender to the prospective wife and the bride and groom's family.

"Yes, in that case it is a fraud case. Where the groom falsified his gender against the bride and groom. And his family did not file this case with the police," he said.

Similar marriages that occur in Cianjur are not good examples to follow. All religions in this nation clearly reject the existence of same-sex marriages.

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